Shrimp has molted

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Well, both of our Fire Shrimp have molted. I have read that that is an ok thing. What I can't find is whether we should leave the molted skin in the tank or remove it? It seems if it's left in there it could be a source of ammonia as it decays but it also seems natural to let it decompose into the system. Anyone have any input?
I never take them out. I read somewhere that the molt contains good nutrients for your cleanup crew.
Usually it ends up on a powerhead so I pull it out, I don't imagine it matters much either way...
I usually pull it out if it is convenient, but leave them in there if it's not so easy to grab. It will be gone in a couple days if you have a good CUC.
The only reason you would "need" to pull it out would be because you find it unsightly. If your worried about it clogging something, throw a few grains of sand on it, so it won't drift.
Burke hit it on the head, it contains several elements, the majority of which is calcium. It will be eaten by the shrimp, crabs and other critters in your tank.
Free food, dietary supplements, it's all good.

Inverts molt as they grow, its normal.
I dont take mine out. Wether it is crabs or shrimp molt. Generally, it will not produce ammonia, nitrates or nitrates because the composition of the molt is generally low in nitrogen. The exoskeleton is high in ca as stated earlier. So it poses little problems and in the end they are gone within a week unless it ends up in a pump or power head. So throw some rubble on it if it is a worry.