Sick File Fish

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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The Apprentice

Well-known member
Apr 12, 2004
Hey all need some help on this one My Tassle Filefish (Chaetodermis pencilligerus) Is not doing to well I have noticed It cant maintain it self up right and was getting pushed around quite easily in By my sea swirls I have put him in the sump hoping he will Get settled down I have had him over a year and This Tank is 8 months old Tank parameters look very good and all other fish in tank are doing ok? Any hints ideas ???Anyone have a Tassle Filefish or any experience with one ..Thanks for any help or input...Jeff
Hi Jeff, I lost a 8 year old Tassled last year due to a food blockage, look for bloating... When I lost my filefish it started having a hard time holding itself upright & was getting blown around from my pumps & the following day it was bloated, it passed the day after that.

I found out after the fact that once I saw some bloating I should have lightly rubbed it sides to try & help pass the food. Unfortunatly I never got the chance to try this.

I hope this helps,
Kaye - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

Jeff - here's a bump for you. Keep us posted on how the fish does.
Lost Him

Thank You Kaye & Nikki We Lost him this morning he just wouldn't get his balance back, Sherri tried to get him to eat and work with him in a nursery box but He just contiued to go down hill. I did a water change After we removed him. Just was a great fish with a fun personality He loved to see what you were doing any time you was in the tank. True Bummer
NaH2O said:
Kaye - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

Jeff - here's a bump for you. Keep us posted on how the fish does.
So sorry to hear this happened ......

I will agree 100% with what you said "Just was a great fish with a fun personality"
