silica sand safe for aquariums

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nursing eel
Nov 30, 2004
Thunder Bay
hey all

just a question here and I am not sure of the answer. I am looking for the whitest gravel I can and I managed to come across this but I was sure if it was safe.

will silica sand be ok for a sand bed?
Actually, silica sand (most often pool filter sand or play sand) is inert and will not break down in the tank, and as such will give none of the buffering properties of aragonite / calcium carbonate substrate (buffering is negligible anyways in a shallow sand bed, PH doesn't get high enough except in a reactor). I know lots of people who have used it. As long as the dust and garbage is rinsed away there should be no issues with algae caused by the sand itself. Diatoms however could be a minor concern since they often show up in the presence of silicates, but only in the sense that the usual diatom bloom of a new tank might last a bit longer than normal. I've used pool filter sand in a number of brackish cichild tanks with no issues at all. If you have sand-sifting critters they may not like the sand as much as the more rounded aragonite types. Have you looked into Marco Rocks sand? I have a BUNCH of it in my new tank and like it a lot. Fine grain, very bright, and pure aragonite. It was only $200 for 340 lbs including shipping. Just rinse it VERY well until the silt goes away, because they don't pre-wash and it turned my new system into eggnog because I didn't rinse it well enough :lol:
Interesting reads :) I've seen two of those articles, but not the first one. The first appears to state that silica-based sand is a bad idea, while the other two say "what the heck, go for it". It's like the old question of "which is better? Glass or acrylic?" :)
I was thinking that it would be ok if I clean it off well enough. I am trying to do a reef on a budjet and I am going to start a new thread on it when I have everything in place.

I know this is not the ideal for hard core reefers and I will prob get flammed for using it but there are some people that want to get into the hobby and not have to give their first born child for there aquarium if you get my drift lol
Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with using silica-based sand, but make sure you wash it VERY well to eliminate the dust. The main problem with play sand or other quartz-based substrates is that they have a lot of zinc, mica, etc in it which break down very quickly in saltwater and will cause problems. Instead of using play sand or something similar, go to a pool supply place and get pool filter sand, which is bright white and generally free of the extra "contaminants" found in construction or play sand.

EDIT: Also, it's cheap! Probably less than 1/2 the price of aragonite sand. A happy medium between the problems caused by cheap play sand and the more expensive aragonite based substrate. As another option between pool filter sand and aragonite, you could look into dolomite sand, which is calcium carbonate like aragonite but comes from a different source (mined instead of taken from the ocean) so there's more "contaminant" minerals in it.
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I know when I was doing the freshwater planted tank thing there were alot of people that were using pool filter sand. It comes in different sizes like "T" and "S" I cant remember what size is what but Im sure they can help you with that.
Before making the purchase, look into the Marco Rocks sand. I bought 340 lbs for only $198 (no tax, free shipping, etc). He sells it in different increments. His current prices are slightly higher than when I purchased mine, but they have:

20 lb packages for $19.95
40 lb packages for $29.95
160 lb packages for $109.00 (I bought two of these for $99 each)

If you can get 50 lbs of filter sand for $15, it's only a bit more for 40 lbs of top grade sugar grain size pure aragonite sand. I would have used either silica sand or a bare-bottom design if I hadn't found out about the Marco Rocks sand, which is just about an unbeatable price (I looked!) for good quality reef substrate.

EDIT: Forgot the link for the page... here you go!
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I was looking on there but there is shipping to canada and that will factor into it and for get it after that lol
Oh, damn. I completely missed that you were a Canuk :) Yes, that would affect the shipping price, because they use US Postal Service priority mail boxes which each hold 40-45 lbs of sand when full. I had 8 boxes total for my order, a couple were only 40lb but most were 41 / 42 lb and a coule were 44 / 45 lb. I got a bit more than I paid for, so I'm happy with them :) Worth a try to find out what the cost would be!
I have had lots of stuff shipping over the border and its worth a fortune lol. I think I am going ot go with the filter sand because its a good price and it will work so I am going to get a look at what it looks like and see.
Yeah, when you factor in shipping expenses I can see where using the non-aragonite sand would be justified. Definitely look into the pool filter sand, I've used it in the past and have had no problems (brackish / cichlid tanks). The only possible detrimental factor I can see is the loss of a minor amount of PH buffering from the aragonite (negligible amount anyways in a shallow bed) and your sand sifters / substrate microfauna probably won't thrive as much. Again, if you just want a shallow sand bed that is fairly sterile and just for looks, the filter sand works great :)
I thought it would I mean yes I can get aragonite here in town but for 20 lbs I am looking at $70.00 a bag so I am looking 140 bucks or more and for the silica sand I am looking at 15 bucks so as long as its going to work I will be fine with that.

Like i said I am going to do a 55 gal budget reef and so far I am doing well I am going to start the post tonight I think.

Anyone interested please follow it

thanks again
My thoughts on silica sand. I added it after reading all the " i've used it for yrs" and "its fine, just not as expensive" and after having it in my tank for a year it leached phosphates like no other. It crashed my tank and killed off half my sps and lps. It caused huge problems with HA within a week. It also scratches glass and acrylic something nasty. After removing it and getting the algae under control i've had zero problems for nearly 3.5yrs. I will never use it. Cutting corners in this hobby isn't a good idea imo. You can cut some costs but water quality and substrate isn't one of them. Just my .02