Silver Lining in my CLOUD!

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Dec 14, 2009
Everett, WA
Been feelin' like Mike Tyson did a warm up on my chest with a nasty chest cold I have had, and in typical male fashion have been moping around the house with alot of whining thrown in for good measure. My wife feeling sorry for me... or just wanting me to go away and be quiet came home from Costco with a new Nikon D3100 set-up they have on SALE* + rebate. Its the kit that comes with both a 18-55mm & 55-200mm Nikor lenses, 4mb memory card and nice camera bag plus misc.... Sooooo with alot of encouragement from Dang, Michael & Brie's pics I'm off to the races in learning how to capture some of the amazing shots that they have collectively graced us with here on Reef Frontiers. I would humbly request a few minutes of thier time next visit to BRA or Spokane area for any tips from these pros.

caugh-caugh... Cheers, Todd
Sorry you feel like turd Todd :(. Congrats on the camera though!!! I have about 4 camera's and can't use one properly yet! :lol: Good luck with yours! :)
UUse a custom picture setting. Like the day time night time All that jazz.
I'll have to look up the book online and circle them for you
Thanks Adam, that would be awsome. I have been reading the manual for an hour or so but does not seem to sinking in very well with the meds. And thank you Krish, was kinda lookin' like one before I was suggested to that maybe I shower-n-shave Hopefully be able to take and post a few pics for critique by tomorrow.

use manual picture controls
Take the saturation up one or two notches
sharpness all the way up contrast up one or two notches
and brightness up one or two notches.
this is the screen your looking for and the page in your manual!!
ALWAY shoot as low of ISO as you can and And always keep the camera as perpendicular to the tank glass as possible.
just doing those few things will improve your photos 10 fold. :)
Fstop I like it as high as possible for the lighting I have so I get more in focus Meaning I shoot 5.8 in low light but anywhere from 10-18 depending what my lights will let me.Unless I'm gong for individual polyps
Adam, above and beyond as usual. Thanks so much, you have saved me hours I'm sure.

Cheers, Todd
no problem If you know what your looking for.. I have gave these simple instructions to a few others (these are what BRI gave me)
AND instantly there pics were better.
ALSO set you white balance custom to your tank. Read that part good. I had to try about ten times to get the colors to look right.
Adam, what do you say...I pay for you to fly down here to the Bahamas and all you have to do is teach me how to use my cannon rebel XT! Deal?? :D
Todd, Now that you have a new toy. And Adam has saved you hours. You should be able to get some of the honey-dos DONE. So then you can take some great shots of the aquarium that is halfway done. LOL
Sorry to hear you are a little under the weather. I to whine and mope. I have yet to get anything as nice as that to shut me up, or make me feel better.
I'll be calling soon.

PS Congrats on your new hat
Adam, what do you say...I pay for you to fly down here to the Bahamas and all you have to do is teach me how to use my cannon rebel XT! Deal?? :D
DEAL.. Is Bahamas Another country?? LOL ( I know it is)
I am a convicted felon I cant leave the country.
OK, finally up-n-at-em... still feel like an elephant is standing on my chest and coughs sound like a snare drum riff. But will have another cup of coffee then feed the fish, clean the front glass and try and get a few pics posted up in abit.

_____, Todd
Hope you feel better soon Todd. Have fun with one of the best cameras, you'll be taking awesome pictures in no time at all. Nikon's (IMO) make some of the best cameras. And the 3100 is based on the pro models, very cool.
When it comes next for your purchases...spend your money wisely on lenses rather than upgrading your camera right away. Nikon is a good camera, not great (I shoot Canon) HAHA, ;). Heard good things of that camera though from others. Looking forward to the pictures. Also start shooting right away, than critiquing your photos. You can read every book, magazine and online forum, but unless you have YOUR own photos to analyze you won't learn anything.

Take care of yourself, as I had bronchitis for a total of 4 wks. Thought I was over it in 2 wks, then it came back again..So the point of my reply is rest, rest, (throw in a little whine now and then for the wife) :) and make sure you get over it this time.
Yes, already started and what do you know... took 89 pics (88 in manual and 1 in auto) guess how many turned out... yep, just the 1. Back to the tank and try again.

Thanks, Kirk will do my best but am bored out of my mind already. I'm not a very good patient.

Might need to invest in a tripod to ensure no movement in the camera. Comes in handy for the macro shots. :)

I have one you can borrow.
adjust your iso and fstop and shutter speed for the right lighting and brightness first.
THEN work on focus and clarity.