Site Problems - Again

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ZOMG, I'm gonna have to stick with RC for the weekend? Ten dollars says I throw my laptop through a window...
Every time.

Do people have nothing better to do I bet who ever is hacking us has a fresh water tank LOL with all the time on there hands no way a salt tank owner is that free of care LOL

Well since the site came back up I haven't had this happen to me but for several months now I loose connection for no apparent reason but not Internet, just this site, I even switched providers mainly because of this & at first I thought I had it but then it started doing it again.

So it wasn't just me then. Hopefully it gets all sorted out. :)
I bet who ever is hacking us has a fresh water tank LOL

that'd be hilarious .....the revenge of the fresh water dood :lol:

hope they catch the hacker thats doing it thats so uncool yet I still wish I knew how to hack stuff I'd make this the only reef site on the net LOL

Chuck, I'm sorry you have to go through all this. Reverse DNS lookup usually doesn't work with attacks like these because those who are curious enough to try the attacks are also good at hiding their tracks. I think a lot of people misunderstand why things like this happen.

Do you ever get satisfaction out of experimentation and tinkering to make something really cool happen with your reefs? You know... almost like conquering aptasia, or something. It's the same with hackers. They'll tinker just to see what happens, just for the sake of knowing they "beat the computer and found the weakness." What they don't take into consideration is that there are hundreds (thousands?) of people on the other side of that attack who have their enjoyment taken. So they'll find a known loophole or programming error in the software we use to run this board, and start attacking every IP address out there with a particular action. Only those IP addresses with that software and without the loophole corrected (a revision may not yet be out, at that time) react to it, and are shut down. If you're really that interested, look up "war dialing" or "port scan" for the basic idea of their MO.

All that aside, here we are on the other side. The attacks are coming from somebody who's never even heard of RF, and will never see this site. Chuck, I've actually taken notice to just how good of a job you do of keeping current on all the vB updates. Thank you for that! The vB board I run is on the same host as you, and we've had problems with them, as well. But... that's what comes with having the best price around, I guess. I'm assuming you're on a dedicated server, or at least virtual dedicated, right? Other than that, there's probably not a whole lot you can do besides take it in the shorts and deal with it.

Thank you again for doing such a great job running this site.
Strange coincidence just las week I found two IP's trying to attack my network. One IP was from Amsterdam and the other was from Canada. The attacks occurred on ports 1026 1027 and 1028. The attack was reported to the FBI so hopefully they can get to the bottom of this. I'm not saying any of this is connected to the site being hacked, I just want everyone to be aware that these things do happen. You can never be too safe.
There are some pretty nasty new Trojan Horses out there that were exported through digital frames. The security companies are working overtime on the matter
ive herd you can't get hacked on mac just in pc wouldn't it be easier to run on mac

Personally I think Mac sucks but if its gonna save you some headaches y not
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Mac owns all. I actually like Mac a lot better. I find their OS to be smoother looking and easier to use. JMO.

From what I've heard, Macs are a bit more stable and less prone to hackers. Probably because 90 percent of people run some form of Windows.

Hope that you can get eveything worked out Chuck. Good luck.

Alex B.
Thanks guys.

FYI ... Macs are based on the Unix operating system just like the web servers out there. I am sure that if our site was hosted on a mac, it would still have to operate the same type of web server software and have similar vulnerabilities.

Sherman, thanks for the note. We are indeed on a dedicated server and I may need to figure out how to find a new server with better security (better firewalls in place) without doubling my price haha

Oh and I use Macs for all of my home computing and LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! (iMac and Mac Powerbook Pro and iPhone here haha)
From what I've heard, Macs are a bit more stable and less prone to hackers. Probably because 90 percent of people run some form of Windows. - spllbnd

Like Spllbnd2 said probably the only reason that MACs aren't hacked as much is that only a small percentage of the population use MAC. On the hackers end their not going to waste their time hacking a Mac when they can be focusing their time on the windows side of things, the greater majority. Good luck Chuck in getting this all straightened out, I for one appreciate everything that you do and know how much of a PITA this can be.
ohh yeah i like the way your iphone looks :) .
my husband's ( my future phone :lol: ) has no background.
did you get the gps for it ? i like it :D :lol:
Very nice! I learned how to jailbreak 1.1.1, 1.1.2 but not 1.1.3, do you have do download the 1.1.3 FW directly on your phone? Can you PM me with how you jailbroke 1.1.3? I want to do it for my brother. Thanks
BTW, sorry for semi hijacking the thread.
I have a feeling the site will come down sometime today. Apparently the hackers DID get us again. I have a lead on a new server with a hardware security firewall in place, so I hope that will help. We shall see. If you see the site down later, you know why :(
unfortunately ddos is not hacking, so there really isn't anything you can do to prevent it, other than getting more bandwidth, setting up null routes, getting better hardware etc. That depends on the attack of course, but it sounds like basic ddos which isn't software related (stack overflows, heap overflows), but bandwidth related (icmp, syn, reflection)

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