Site will be down on Monday Jan.31th. 5:30AM

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Alright so much for the couple hour routeen. Anyway I gues the server we were leaving decided to throw a little curve into us and dropped our transfer speed down to 65k, which made moving over a 40GB site a little longer then we had thought. I opened it up a little before we were finished so dont worry about bugs and such as we are still rebuilding indexes, pic/thumbs and so on and of course our favorite sponsor banner program. Anyway I should have it done sometime tonite.

It took a while but finally I'm able to get back on, I guess the distance from here to where the server is at, had to be updated, anyway we're Backkkk!:rockon:
BTW the site already seems much faster, I just can't wait until they get it all tweaked out and 900% faster!:whoo:
Ok so to keep everyone up to date. The transfer over is all done, but we have a few issues we are dealing with. One is the thumbnail directory, we have to recode the software to change the path, so that is why in the galleries you are seeing blank thumbnails insteed of the pic thumbs. and the other is the openx which is a program we use for the sponsor banners, on a good day its the nastiest program out their and rigth now it doesnt want to play at all so we might have to do a reload on that.

On the board its on the new server and seems to be moving faster but we still havent done any optimizing so it should get better as time goes by.


Yeah man! Now your cruising!

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