Six months into reef tank...greetings everyone!

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Feb 4, 2012
Federal Way, Washington
My name is Michael. My wife Joanne and I are pretty new at this, but we have a 150 gallon reef tank with a wet-dry system, UV sterilizer and skimmer underneath inside the cabinet.

It has been a real lesson in humility and patience thus far, but we have truly enjoyed it. Lots of work!!

Awsome glad to see you. And what may help you is when your able to replace the wet-dry with a sump and refugium. If you are going reef. They tend to be a nitrate factory. For a fish only, or fish with live rock you will be ok generally. But any who......PICS OR LOOSE YOUR MEMBERSHIP!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA J/K (i could find staff to back me up!) If you need help posting pics were here to help with that too!
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Welcome to RF!! :welcome:. Definitely post up some pictures!! Also, as suggested already, wet/dry's carry the bad name of nitrate factories because their end product is nothing but nitrates being in a totally aerobic environment. As a result, you typically end up with algae issues with them being the source if the fuel.

In any event, welcome again! If you have any questions just toss them out! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From 6 month Beginner: Nitrate and Ich problems

Thanks Guys, :wave:

So I just attempted to upload some pics and I was given a message stating
my images were too large to process.

I've got to go to school so I'll address this later..if anyone can tell me how
to get some pics posted I'd appreciate that.

:frusty: There is a tank beneath my wet-dry containers where the water, after trickling through my live-rock bed
ultimately bottoms out at before then being pumped back up and into the main tank...I've already
placed some live rubble and good plants in there hoping to essentially turn that into my refugium...I'm also
circulating water from that tank through my UV sterilizer...I'd say that area holds about 15-20 gallons of water...:yield:

This is a looooooot of work!!! but I really really want to become knowledgeable and get to a point of self-sufficiency
so that I can pass on information as you guys do now. It seems as though there is alot of conflicting testimony on
any given subject, so it is hard to find the real answer, lol

Once I can get some pics uploaded you'll see what the system looks like. Is it possible to just keep the wet-dry
dumping into that bottom tank and have it be my refugium? We bought this entire system custom built
by someone else, and re-engineering it into JUST a refugium is likely beyond my scope of expertise.

Any direction or advice is greatly appreciated, and I will get some pics up here once I learn how.


Welcome aboard. As you can tell we'd all love to see pics. Don't be discouraged about the wet/dry aspect, many of us have run them in the past as it was the way to do it but as times have changed we have learned that there are better ways. Congrats on your system!
pics for 150G wet-dry/refugium

OK, here it goes...I had to shrink the pics to 25 pixels


  • P2080152.jpg
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Upload to photobucket or the sort. Then get the code for img. Cntl c... Then cntl v in the reply to thread.