Skimmer advice...PLEASE HELP

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May 13, 2011
Oregon City, OR
I am attempting my first tank build in the next few weeks and I need a little advice on a new skimmer. My tank will be about 185 gallons with a 55 gallon sump....I'm thinking a medium bioload, but might go heavy in the future. Any suggestions on a good skimmer? I want my system to be as quiet as possible, so I am looking for all my equipment to be silent. Please help if u can, thanks.

I also found this skimmer, which a friend recommended for being super quiet, but I didn't know how good it was.....
SKIMZ SM 201 Monzter E-Series - In-Sump Protein Skimmer -
SWC skimmers are good for thier price and as typically quiet. We had one in our previous tank in the dining room and you could barely hear it. For your tank size I would probably go with a SWC Xtreme 200 protein Skimmer. There are many other units out there as well bu this id the only brand we have personal experience with. Skimmy will probably chime in here soon enough and give you several recommendations. A lot will be determined by your budget.
Never seen that puppy before although it looks pretty good! Might be like my house keepers food though...Looks great until you taste it :eek:. We'll have to get skimmy in here to see if he has had any experience with them. :)

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i would go with trusted and strong will get alot of recommendations on it because they dont fail....
I agree with skimmy. I bought this skimz from aquacave . SKIMZ SM 251 Monzter E-Series - In-Sump Protein Skimmer - I am happy with how VERY quiet it is and it pulls alot of gunk out. I have a 215g with a 45g sump as a mixed reef. I can hear my drains into the sump, the return pump, and both of my mp40. I cant hear the skimmer. The only time I hear my skimmer is when I unplug my return pump and put my head into the stand after the water stops moving.
I agree with skimmy. I bought this skimz from aquacave . <A href=""></A> I am happy with how VERY quiet it is and it pulls alot of gunk out. I have a 215g with a 45g sump as a mixed reef. I can hear my drains into the sump, the return pump, and both of my mp40. I cant hear the skimmer. The only time I hear my skimmer is when I unplug my return pump and put my head into the stand after the water stops moving.
OOPS!!! Double posted. Sorry. I was just going to add also that I have ZERO bubbles coming out of my skimmer into my sump. I do have to say though, it did take me awhile to get it dialed in. But I would rather dink around and find that sweet spot than to buy something thats a lil more simple to set, but less effective. IMO