Skimmer ideas for a 10 gal?

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You don't need a skimmer on a 10. I've had upto a 55 without a skimmer and you just need to keep up on water changes. Every 2 weeks was good enough for me.
I believe it's the Seaclone 150. Might be a little bit overkill for your 10 gallon. It's not the quietest of PS either. Anyway, you can have it. Check out DR. F&S for pics. I'm going to look for it today. It's under one of my tanks which are under drop cloths. I should be able to locate it and then we can make arrangements for you to pick it up. Ask the skimmerwhisperer about the Seaclone for advice - whether it's alright for your tank or what.

Thanks, just let me know or pm me.
You don't need a skimmer on a 10. I've had upto a 55 without a skimmer and you just need to keep up on water changes. Every 2 weeks was good enough for me.

This particular tank is an invert tank with a slipper lobster and some crabs so there is more waste than the normal 10 gal would have therefore why I think a skimmer wouls help.
Skimmer is eluding me. Will do a more thorough search this weekend. Sorry about the delay. Your name is on it, though.