Skimmer question

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Jul 3, 2007
Helo, I am new here and find the info quite valuable. I found y'all because I need a new skimmer.

I have a 120 gallon FOWLR with a Corallife Protein skimmer on it. I do not trust this skimmer. There have been a number of times where water has leaked from it...usually it seems from what is the air hole. When I find out, there is already a bit of water on the carpet. Usually it shuts down the electrical due to a short.

So, now a new skimmer.

When I came here, my research had already brought the Aqua C Remora to the forefront. Here I read of the Tunze 9005.

My question is...which is more recommended for efficiency? Which would be considered quieter? My Corallife is NOT quiet.

I like the Tunze because it sits inside of teh aquarium. This prevents ANY leaks. But the Remora also seems fairly leak proof...especialluy when compared to the Corallife.

Okay, I will be quiet. Your recommendations will influence my tank's future. Thanks.
Hi Ranvan, welcome to Reef Frontiers. :)

Do you have a sump with your tank? I'm assuming not, but thought I'd ask...

I have an AquaC's the hang-on, right? The one I have would in no way shape or form be enough for a 120 gallon tank. Noise-wise, it started out noisy but after a few weeks it got much quieter. It never did generate a lot of skinmate but I was powering it with a maxijet 1200 and there are stronger pumps.

Anyway, are you specifically needing a hang on skimmer? You'll have more options if an in-sump model is an option.
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I am looking for the HOB type. I do not have the in sump system set up.
Have you done a search on That would be a good place to browse until you get more responses here.
Out of say the 9010 rather than the 9005. For my 120g do you think I should use the 9010 even though the 9005 is what is rated for it?
Out of say the 9010 rather than the 9005. For my 120g do you think I should use the 9010 even though the 9005 is what is rated for it?

Most manufacturers tend to inflate their tank rating for their skimmers so...

I also agreed with whisperer on this. Stick with the Tunze 9010 since you don't have a sump. The Remora Pro is well.... A mediocre skimmer at best.

ranvan - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Let us know what you go with and how you like it!
Well, I purchased the Tunze 9010. I have now installed it, and it has been running for almost two days.

What I liked about it before I got it and still do....

It is actually quite small. It fits neatly inside of the aquarium, and is not that noticeable. In fact it takes up less room than my Coralife Skimmer inside. The motor and the "flow in" box on the Coralife was messier looking when one looked into the aquarium. Plus it was harder to clean the glass around them. Here I can easily clean around everything. On the outside, there is nothing above the lights, whereas the Coralife stuck a good eight inches above the lights. Being that this is in my living room, neater is nicer.

It is quiet. And I mean quiet. I have to check the foam to see if it is running. Shortly after I installed it, it did quit for some unknown reason. I took it apart and out it back together, and it has been fine. So far, the foam has not been productive. Today just before I typed this, I noticed that there is some color to the foam but not much.

It is all inside of the aquarium. If I am going to have a skimmer that is not below, then I like the idea that the skimmer is keeping all of the water inside of the aquarium. Since the Coralife overflowed a few times (with the result being wet carpet and cabinet), then keeping the water inside of the aquarium with very minimal possibility for coming out makes everyone happy. How else do you think I could get away with getting such an expensive skimmer? :)

What I don't know if I like yet.....

It is not above the lights. It is hard to see the cup. Before, I could check the cup as I walked through the could everyone else. Now I have to look over the lights and even then it is not easy to see.

There is a film on the water. Before I installed my first skimmer, I noticed this film on the water. When the Coralife ran, I never saw much. Now that Tunze is running, I see it back again. I don't know how to get rid of it, or if I should be concerned. To me it adds to the "dirty look" that i don't like to see. I imagine the fact the Tunze pushes water out the bottom and not out of the top is the reason. Any suggestions are appreciated.

So, that is the result of my research. I am happy with my purchase at this point. I can truthfully say that if you are thinking of getting a skimmer, I cannot see why you would NOT get this one. Having the skimmer hang on the outside creates a messier look and actually is messier. I don't know if this one is more efficient than other, but if it cleans as good as has been said here, then keeping the skimmer inside looks neater and wastes less water.

Thanks everyone for your help. I will update this when I have more info.
sounds great...
remember, you've only had it up for a couple days, most skimmers take a week or 2 before they settle down and break in.

if you have a film on your water surface, run some carbon and it should take care of it, do you have a hob filter to put carbon in?

the tunze is waaaay more efficient of a skimmer than any hang on, you'll see :)
they tend to skim wet, and in the beginning even more so, but it will settle down nicely..
The surface scum is usually caused by lack of flow to the surface. A power head or somthing of that nature will recirculate the protiens back down so the skimmer can remove them.

sounds great...
remember, you've only had it up for a couple days, most skimmers take a week or 2 before they settle down and break in.

if you have a film on your water surface, run some carbon and it should take care of it, do you have a hob filter to put carbon in?

the tunze is waaaay more efficient of a skimmer than any hang on, you'll see :)
they tend to skim wet, and in the beginning even more so, but it will settle down nicely..

In terms of getting replacement parts, being easy to clean and things of that nature how would you rate the tunze?

In terms of getting replacement parts, being easy to clean and things of that nature how would you rate the tunze?


I will give my initial impression based on setting up the Tunze. This is one thing I noticed right away. It is very simple on the inside. I am not much of a mechanic, but I can easily replace any part if necessary. As for getting replacement parts, I cannot say.

If you go to the Tunze website, you can download the info booklet.

BTW, one thing I did NOT like about the is not easy to set up when it comes to hanging it in the aquarium. Believe it or not :lol:, this took me quite awhile. Opening the skimmer and putting it back together was MUCH easier.
wow i think they should make it easier since they are selling it for such a high price.
oh yeah, and throw that hanger in the garbage, get one of the magnetic holders...those hangers are the worst thing...and they come with every tunze device that mounts to the tank, but a small price to pay.
the build quality is good, not great, but good, considering that it's made from a box of cheapo plastic, but works oh so well. the magic is in the pump and venturi...