Skunk Clown Problems

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
I got myself a pair of skunk clowns about two weeks ago. My question is, is there anything in a young or new tank that would kill fish other than out of wack prams?

The tank is running right down the middle and I came home to one of my Skunks dead. The other isn't looking too well off either. :confused:
what type of fish are in the tank and how long have you had your setup and what equipment do u have and what are you parameters?
There are no fish in there now they have both died. The params are, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, Phosphate 0, Salinity 1.023, PH 8.2. It is a ten gallon FOWLR. It has a HOB filter. As far as I can tell everything is good. That is why I asked if there is any thing in a new tank that would not support life other than bad params. The tank is new, just a month old.

I think it may have been my fault now that I think about it. I add a airation piece that I made. It is basicly a air driven pump but before I added it to the tank I had superglued on a fitting. I gave it an hour and put it to use. I say I think it may have been me because my glue says it contains cyanoacrylate and doesn't list it as a direct ingredient. I thought all superglues were cyanoacrylate.
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Okay I don't see how it could be my fault. I have had a star fish in there since the second day of the tank being filled with water. Just today I saw it again and it is doing just fine. Also I had a Copepod explosion last night. This morning they were all over the glass.

Well this one has me stummped.
Amonia never showed. Nitrite went a couple of days thats it. Nitrates went as high as 15 and are now at most 5. I use API tests.

I understand what you are getting at that is why I asked if there is anything else other than bad params. I have kept them in check. Nitrite only went as high as .25.

Also I would think that if the fish died due to bad water then why not the star fish and why did the copepods show up?
whats your temperatures at during the night, and day, morning and such. that has a lot to do with it. Whats your temp of the water ur putting in for your cycles? Starfish are pretty hardy and can withstand alot. mine died on me but my fish didnt so its all up to that individual creature. and the sudden shock might have hit the fish more then the starfish with a high nitrite of 25. you just dont know.
Also could be the fish...where they came from, how they were handled, how you acclimated them, etc, etc. Hundreds of things can lead to a fishes demise.
The temp stays at a solid 78 day or night. The change water is matched as closely as I can before it is added. I am not doing any thing different then I do on my reef tank. The fish outlasted the nitrite by a few days but I supose they could have had stress. The fish came from Aquarium Paridise, he had them for about three weeks from what I understand. The acclimation process took 2 1/2 hours using the drip method. I set it to run a gallon of water throughout the time frame. In a ten gallon tank that is plenty of water. I drip it into the tank at the same rate I drip it into the fish container. The drip on the tank goes directly into a strong stream of water as to mix it throughly and not creat any holes (if you will) causing the newbes to get anything untrue to the tank.
very detailed procedure u got there, and i think i know which skunks ur talking about did they come with a yellow anenome. if not i probably seen them there. it just might have been the fish who knows sry cant be of any help.

No they didn't come with a NEM. Yea no worries, I just couldn't think of why they died on me. I watched them eat before I bought them and they never stopped eating here at the house. I just can't imagine what they had.

Oh well, chalk it up to the risk we take in this hobbie I guess.