Wow this topic always has many different opinions. Mine are that with a shallow sand bed and proper maintence of the sand bed you will be fine, with even a goodly number of fish. I stir my sand bed frequently, I shiphon the water while stirring. It does remove alot of junk. Here is my take on the situation, I do not believe that a sand grain can become saturated with any thing. It is not carbon, sand has a porus structure yes, but it is covered in a biofilm of bacteria. I can however fill the area between the sand grains with detirus, I can stir and siphon out this junk from my tank. I look at it like this, I have a huge amount of surface area in my sand bed covered in bacteria that are useing waste produts of my fish to make more bacteria that use waste products of my fish. I think that sand is a very viable option for reef tanks. I like the diversity of life in my sand bed. I like the way it looks. I like that the sand is working for me. I have to disagree with the idea that it can become saturated with something, and then just release it all at once and cause some kind of monster algae bloom. I can not see how that would work. Please understand I am not trying to cause a fight here, I just dont see how a bare plastic bottom can in any way provide the diversity of a sand bed. If I have an extra 20,000,000 bacteria per pound of sand in my tank I believe the tank is more able to deal with nutrients. Thats not counting the worms, pods, tiny stars, and snails that call my sand bed home. Just a different view on a complex issue. Steve