So. Florida ??? Advice?

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Red Volitan
Dec 30, 2007
University Place, WA
Maybe this is not the right forum, but I don't know where else to post. I'm sick and tired of this state. I'm 37 years old, and lived here all my life. I want something new. In all honesty, I want to move to the carribean(Jamaica is awesome! been there twice in the past year). But there is so much more to see. I haven't seen the bahamas, except for Krish's pics, so I thought I would pack up the family and move. I would like input, both pos & neg. By the way, there needs to be a decent college nearby... I am an engineering student... better late than never! Please give me input. I have a bug in my bonnet, and It's time to go...
I think that the mods might move this thread but..

Bahamas are amazing!! I was on a 1 week marine biology study on 07' and might do it again this year. I was on the island Eluthera.

I also used to live in Tampa Florida! Also an amazing place! Just a short flight away from awesome scuba diving and all kinds of cool places!

Thansk Erik
Sorry about posting here... Mods, please move as necessary. Slip of the finger, so to speark!

I think that the mods might move this thread but..

Bahamas are amazing!! I was on a 1 week marine biology study on 07' and might do it again this year. I was on the island Eluthera.

I also used to live in Tampa Florida! Also an amazing place! Just a short flight away from awesome scuba diving and all kinds of cool places!

Thansk Erik
Every caribbean country has it's own flair............

I've traveled to the Floriday Keys, Cozumel, Belize, Ambergris Caye, Roatan Honduras, they all are different.

go out to, that may help your questions.

So you don't mind hurricanes???

Funny. I am the total opposite of you. All of my adult life I've lived in the SE part of the US (lived in FL 14yrs and in NC 12yrs). I couldn't wait to leave NC; I wanted a change. I am very happy with WA for the moment, however our family (errr. my wife) would like to move back to NC eventually in about 10yrs.


So you don't mind hurricanes???

Funny. I am the total opposite of you. All of my adult life I've lived in the SE part of the US (lived in FL 14yrs and in NC 12yrs). I couldn't wait to leave NC; I wanted a change. I am very happy with WA for the moment, however our family (errr. my wife) would like to move back to NC eventually in about 10yrs.


I can deal with a hurricane or two(I hope... I'm pretty naive, but willing to try anything!) My wife lived in SC for a while, and says that is completely out of the question! But we need a change. I can't wait to leave here! I do love it here, it's beautiful, but I want to try new things.
If you lived all of your life here, and then go to FL, you will be in for a major culture and weather shock. There is no winter, however there are two seasons: HOT and HOTTER. :D

Things that FL has to offer that you should know before you go:

Be prepared for some major humidity, (the kind hits you in the face when you walk out the door).
thunderstorms (will give a new defintion to the term, "rain").
Palmetto Roaches (these are roaches with wings and yes they do fly) :)
Red ants
Several kinds of poison snakes (water mocossin, diamondback rattlers to name a few)
No snow
No mountains
No Income Tax

Personally, I have no interest in returning to FL (too hot for me), plus my wife is scared of lighting and thunder; she would not make it in FL.

I will leave it up to you whether you feel the list I provided are Pros or Cons to move to FL. This is my honest opinion as all of this does exist in FL.
