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Nov 17, 2009
bremerton, wa
So I bought ynot reef's 45 Tall setup....... And now I am planning.........
I know it's going to be a FOWLR tank, and I want a tang for sure.... but what can go with the tang? What should I avoid? i want a clown pair too and I may have a BTA, or RBTA for them. But not much more as far as coral.
Hey, nano24, nice to see someone else on the peninsula here. I think one of the first things you’re going to hear is "not to put a tang in a 45 gal tank." But others do. Here is a website I used to research fish. It gives you an idea what size tank is preferable for them and their feeding habits and such. There is also a compatibility chart on this site. There are other sites with info too, but this one is great for quick reference. Read up on the threads full of info on the "Marine Fish Discussion with Lee Birch" forum.
Tangs require a lot of swimming space, so a longer tank would be best. You may be able to keep a tang when it's smaller, but may want to consider going longer if you want to have your tang thrive.

If you would like to keep an anemone, you would still have to supply it with strong lighting as it derives a lot of its energy from its zooxanthelle. A nice 250w+ metal halide may be enough, and will add a really cool rippling water effect on the tank floor. RBTAs like a decent current on them, so you'd do well with an extra pump or two in there to promote good water circulation.

Clowns would do well in a tall tank. You may even want to try a dwarf angel, psuedochromis, or some gobies. There's a dwarf lionfish down at Saltwater City right now. They don't get so big, but watch out for their waste load. :)

What are the dimensions of the tank? What kind of lights and filters are on there currently?
Welcome to Reef Frontiers - this is a great site to get ideas for your 45T and you're doing the right thing by researching first before you begin stocking. Recommend you look through the FOWLR threads here or on the Reef Central forums to continue getting ideas. As for your questions:

A clown pair would be a great addition for a 45T IMO. As for the BTA - you need to insure you have the proper amount of light - otherwise it will end up moving around quite a bit looking for light and eventually recede. Also want to be especially wary of powerheads / intakes - disastrous consequences if a BTA gets into the suction.

As for a tang - there are many (myself included) who would consider a 45T to be too small for any tang. Tangs are very active fish and need to continually graze in large habitats. If you must have one - recommend a very small specimen of the zebrasoma variety (yellow / desjardini / purple) as they tend to stay on the smaller size.

Best of luck,
Welcome to Reef Frontiers As for your questions:

A clown pair would be a great addition for a 45T IMO. As for the BTA - you need to insure you have the proper amount of light - otherwise it will end up moving around quite a bit looking for light and eventually recede.

Best of luck,
Lighting is 192 watt PC Current fixture. So I'm not too worried about lighting. It has a E Shopps overflow, and 10 gallon sump/refigium. I will add at least a korila 1 for more circulation, movement. Also has a "spray bar" for circ.
I'd recommend starting a BTA up high w/ your setup - mine has settled in approx 1 ft directly under (2) 400 watt MH's for the last 5 years...hasn't moved an inch. Not to imply you need anything close to that wattage for a BTA - just letting you know they're light hogs. haha

Welcome! I agree with cdbdis. I had a BTA some time ago and plopped it in a place that it wasn't happy. It ended up moving all over the tank until it was higher in the water column and in medium flow. The down side was that it moved onto the front of my tank so all I could see was the foot... I had to use a power head to force it off and then rearrange my LR so that it would be happy.
Welcome! I agree with cdbdis. I had a BTA some time ago and plopped it in a place that it wasn't happy. It ended up moving all over the tank until it was higher in the water column and in medium flow. The down side was that it moved onto the front of my tank so all I could see was the foot... I had to use a power head to force it off and then rearrange my LR so that it would be happy.

I will take your advice guys. When I do get one I will have him high on the rock. I am hoping to get the sand washed today, and finish cleaning the tank. I only have about 14 gallons of RO/DI so it won't get filled totally until Wednesday. That's when I am trying to get my rock anyway. I get as much live rock as I want for free.........
If you decide to add a tang make sure you buy a cool one, that way its easy to sell here on reeffrontiers when it gets too big. LOL

My only advice is I once put a flame fin tang in a 29 gallon cube and he ended up becoming very aggressive. He ate the eye out of my lawnmower blenny before I realized what was going on. I gave him to another member here on RF and in his large system the same tang was a model citizen. You might not have the same experience but thats what happened with me.

If you stack up your live rock so the highest point is away from the glass that will help to keep a roaming anemone from getting on the glass or overflows until it finds "it's spot". Kind of like a lone mountain. My 2 RTBA's are at the top of my live rock 10" from a 250 watt MH, so yes they are light hogs. More frequent feedings may be necessary to make up for lowered light levels.

I have a pair of ocellaris clowns and they won't host in either RTBA. They prefer to hang out under the ledges of my mushroom leather coral. I don't know why they don't or how to get them to host in the RTBA. You might be okay since there won't be competition from other corals.

A pygmy angel may be an alternative to a tang like others have suggested: they stay smaller but still have grazing habits and you won't have to worry about them nipping at corals in a FOWLR. just add them last as they don't like newcomers to their territory. my two cents.:)

A pygmy angel may be an alternative to a tang like others have suggested: they stay smaller but still have grazing habits and you won't have to worry about them nipping at corals in a FOWLR. just add them last as they don't like newcomers to their territory. my two cents.:)
Ohhhh, thats a good idea. Hadn't thought of any kind of angel..... Thanks for that one, good idea.
While we're talking pygmy angels...I'd recommend looking at a Coral Beauty. An easier angel to keep and adds a stunning flash of color to a tank. I've had one successfully for over 4 years. Ditto w/ addocdreefer as they really do get territorial.
It's running!!
How long should my sump light be on????? Does anyone have some live sand I can have to re-seed this now dead sand?????
Hey welcome to the site! I'm new to saltwater as well and this site and the people here have helped a lot. Most people I've seen with a refugium light tend to keep it on either all the time or turn it on when the tank lights go out(to keep the pH stable I think). Most decent fish stores will be happy to give you a scoop of the good sand in their tanks to get you seeded.
Hey on your tang. I bought a 1/2" blue tang back in june for my new reef tank. He has grown to almost 4-5 inches now and that just since june. My tank is a 60 cube so only 24 x 24 x 21. Move alot of my rock around to give him as much swimming room as possible. If i wasnt planning on a 220 in a few months i would be considering rehoming him. They grow quick is all im trying to pass on to you. Love this fish tho.
thats wierd. I got my sailfin and blue tang (regal, hippo whatever) at the same time and they both might have been and 1". Now my sailfin is maybe 4-5" but my blue is still around 2-2 1/2".