So what's next? Is this it??

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Over the years, the reef keeping hobby has progressed forward moving from one method to another "supposedly" better method. Under gravel filters were pretty much replaced with canister filters and then better yet, wet/dry filters which became the new "Break Through" in the hobby! Everyone had to have one! Then they were kinda tossed aside because of the "nitrate factory" label they were given for having no means of performing denitrification so other methods of filtration including the primary use of liverock, sand beds etc. were utilized more. Skimmers were introduced into the hobby as well and have improved over the years. The same went for lighting. We had flourescents, PC's, VHO's, MH's and now L.E.D's are the new thing!

So what's next? I always wonder this. Do you think we have gone as far as we will probably ever go with this hobby and in another 10-15 years we'll still be doing the same things we do now using pretty much the same equipment with not much major improvements or do you think there will be new break throughs in the hobby and that "magic bullet" everyone has been searching for will finally be discovered?

Like to hear your thoughts. :)
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That is a Great question Krish. Since my personal experience/ history in reefkeeping covers three plus decades now I'm inclined to believe we haven't seen it all. My educated guess says it will be along the lines of a safe-n-easy ozone reactor that simply burns off all pollutants ran through it. A handful of more educated reefkeepers like our own Mojo already utilize ozone but are more adept at handling the risks than most. I would like to eventually incorporate into my systems also and greatly decrease the need and expense for water changes. Like the Skimmer I think there will be some great new improvements in this area in the neer future.

Cheers, Todd
Our hobby will always grow with technology. Just look at all the examples. Who wouldv'e thought that we could hold a computer in our hands (smartphones)? And what about televisions? Who wouldv'e thought we would have a LED LCD television as thin as 1"? Our latest TV is so thin!!!

Here's what I can see in the future of Reef Keeping,

  • Skimmers will likely get improvments
  • Lighting will get a lot more advancements, Will Plasma ever go mainstream in Reef Keeping? It's out there for plant growing already. Who knows, there may be something even better in the works. For one thing LED lights are very NON eco friendly, lots contaminants in those little LEDs.
  • LR will start to give way to more eco friendly methods, such as the Reefsculpures rock. I think this may come sooner as I have seen a few places be closed to LR harvesting in the past 10 years.
  • Zero Nature Impact Aquariums
  • Natural/Solar lighting
  • Pressurised Refugiums (algae pressurized filter, RDSB pressurized…)

In theory, we should see companies make things more easily, ecological and less expensive. Same as cars. The support equipment such as heaters, skimmers, pumps etc, could show a little more promise. Heaters generate heat with wattage and this is unlikely to change. Aquarium pumps could perhaps become more efficient in the use of energy and maybe in the way they move seawater. Of course we already have EcoTech pumps. Lighting seems to show the highest ‘future rating’ at least for the moment.
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I agree with spllbnd2 that lighting will change. I see MH use decreasing signficantly, and LED or Plasma the primary choice of lighting.
good reads, personally i will be up for anything that reduce my power usage. heaters, lighting, pumps. bring it on.

I m not sold on LED's yet but i do hope a technology like that can completely replace MH lighting one day w/ no or half the heat produced.

If anything i think we or they are on to something there
Enjoying the input so far...Thanks!:) For me, I can see things being improved on just like cars have over the decades. Now, you can talk to your car's radio and tell the radio what to play, which un-like years ago, we were using cassette tapes. Interested to see what the future holds for the hobby. :)
They need to develop little mini submarines that can detect fish sickness....enter the tank....catch the fish...and relocate it to a hospital tank. The the controller should email you and let you know that your tang has ich again.
They need to develop little mini submarines that can detect fish sickness....enter the tank....catch the fish...and relocate it to a hospital tank. The the controller should email you and let you know that your tang has ich again.

What you smoking?
The one thing I've seen change more than anything since I first got into the hobby in the 90's is lighting. It still changes constantly and I see that it will probably be the thing that keeps evolving the most in the hobby. Now if they could create some sort of fiber optic Solartubes so you could put them on any tank anywhere that would be great.

The other thing that changes constantly is flow, I'd love to see more products like the Ecotech ones but that are more affordable!
I think in time prices will go down. I remember LEDs were crazy expensive and now they are more affordable.

Scooty it's wine not smoking :p

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
it will be interesting to see how the technology increases and prices drop, i like the fiber optic idea. i imagine we will see a "all in one" auto managing system, water-changes, dosing, skimming ect all built in one for cheap. time will tell i guess.
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