Softie Die-off

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2009
Bellingham, WA
Hi all,

Some xenia and a kenya tree are dying off in a localized region of my tank. In this particular area, the xenia have split from one stalk, to a 4x6in square, creeping along the rocks and back wall of the tank. For a while, the sick xenia in question had displayed thin, frail limbs. I have seen them shrivel up and come back to full life, and since they were splitting so much, I hadn't thought much of it.

The kenya has also been splitting like mad over the course of the last 4-5 months. As the regular ebb and flow, she would deflate at night, and the erect and extend her branches during the day. In the last week, however, she lies collapsed, touching the dying xenia.

Both the xenia and kenya are browned, with skin peeling off. The two stalks of xenia have all but disappeared, and the kenya is in very poor shape.

There is also a cabbage coral who has been invaded by the xenia. She has grown a little since the first acquisition, but has lately started to lightly peel.

Location, location.... All of these softies are on the left side of the tank, right next to the return nozzle. I suspect that the ATO water might be too much of a shock for these guys. Could coral warfare have any play in the matter?

My parameters are decent.

Nitrates: 0
Phosphates: Zero-ish?
Alk: 8 (too low, I'd say)
Calc: 420+ (Not much of a matter for softies)
PH: 8.2-8.3
S.Grav: 1.026

I'm going to run some carbon in the sump unless someone insists otherwise. I don't like to run carbon because of the particulates, and the suspicion that it causes lateral line erosion on tangs (feel free to argue this point, but please don't hijack the original issue ;) ).

Thanks for reading!
Do you have Xenias in the right side of the tank in question?

If so and they're doing okay the I would suspect the STO water being the possible culprit.
If Not then I would have to ask if you dose any sort of Iodine? Xenias love iodine in my experiences.
Thanks for the feedback. I do not dose iodine, but probably could benefit from its use. I have more mushrooms and anemones than SPS or LSP.

The xenia who managed to migrate to the other side of the tank are doing just peachy. They're fat and radiant.
Inconservatory - I have had xenia in every one of my tanks. IMO, the ato water wouldnt have a lasting effect. I used a xenia fuge in my sump, would do water changes in that chamber. 5 gallons of fresh water all at once was very common. the xenia would close up for about 5-10 minutes and then be back to normal. I have always ran carbon, never had or heard of it creating problems for tangs. Its always been rinsed first though. I loved my xenia because it would always tell me when i needed a water change. When it would start to deflate and look frail, i would change my carbon and do a water change. A day or two later it would be back to normal. Hope this helps.
I don't currently have xenia, but I have read in several places that they can die off with no observable cause. Not that I would stop looking for a reason if I were you, but it helps to know that the pros have periodic trouble with them as well.