Good points there MC and Dnjan...
But in my thread here...
I too am using a front loading (very new) washer dryer... Sometimes it makes me wonder, is it really saving me energy or just water? If its water then its no use since water is cheap. I want to concentrate in energy.
See.. for 7 years I have lived in a 800 SF apartment. And my electric bills range from 75 to 120 dollars.
Now recently we purchased a 1000SF (1978) house. Still using the same space heaters, still using the same schedule when its on or off. But now using brand newwasher and dryer compared to the old top loading washer and dryer from the apartment. My bills are hovering 220 to 250 dollars.
OBTW, I noticed that my water heater has two heating element compared to one from my apartment... If that makes a difference.
So I too am very interested on how fraggle rock will solve his energy issues.
My next step is to do a full wash on washer and dryer using a "kill a watt" meter... on both top load and front load to actually see if theres a big difference or is it just a hype...