Some cool fish

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Mike those are some kewl looking fishes dood !!
i can't wait to see what you add
i really really like the last fish and if you have any more info on them please let me know.
i love those angels !!
Cool fish Mike! I think you ought to send me a few of them so I can breed them in our Bahamian waters because I don't think we have them(LOL) Just kidding...Not looking for a new home at Foxhill Prison! I think you should get a couple of each. Your tank wouldn't even notice the extra bioload!
Stigmata Blenny

Hi Mike Thanks for sharing those shots if you can get any links or more info on the Stigmata Blenny I sure would like to learn more about them again thanks for posting the Picture all see to be very pretty fish . :)

mojoreef said:
The last fish is called a Stigmata Blenny, he does look very nice, I am still doing a little home work on him.
Awsome fish! Lets us all know what you find out on the stigmata blenny. Of course you will want to order yours first cuz i think they may be in short demand once we all find out more about them! :D
Awsome fish! Lets us all know what you find out on the stigmata blenny. Of course you will want to order yours first cuz i think they may be in short demand once we all find out more about them!

LOL!! i agree Paul :D
Hey, thanks for the welcome guys...I can't believe I haven't found you all until now!

And mojo, thanks for the anthias ID...these are the same as Pseudanthias ventralis, right? I found them in my S. Michael Reef Fishes book and the pictures seem to match. Anyway, great fish! Seem to be pretty tough to keep, and deep water to boot...too much light in my tank probably!
Keep up the good work, those pics are awesome.
Probibly the same Reelheel, fish now days have so many names, lol they are a tough fish and I am still going back and forth on weither to try them or not. Temp wise I should be fine, but light wise I am a bit bright, but I am hoping that with all the hiding places they can find enough habitat to thrive, tough call though..such nice colors.

Hey Mike,
Not trying to steal your thunder - those are great fish - but have you considered the bimacs? They honestly have amazing coloration, very similar to the ventralis, but without the long fins. If it's the color you like, I don't think you'd be unhappy with the bimacs. I did a lot of research before I got mine, and I found numerous people who have had great success with them. All of mine were out and eating within one day. Now they're not really shy at all. The only "downside" is that they are pretty large (I favor smaller fish) but the color more than makes up for it IMO.
Anyway, not trying to intrude, just sharing my experiences.
Great Thread! :)
Yeah, does anyone else have some pics of some of their coolest fish?
I got a small hippo (pacific blue) tang recently that is almost totally black, except for a little blue and the trademark yellow tail...
Not the coolest fish I've seen but a neat fish nonetheless.
This is my Tomini Tang. He's pretty cool, and only recently available. They stay small for tangs (5-6 inches) and he does a very good job of clearing out any macro algae. Pretty docile too, I haven't seen any fishy issues.:p
Yeah, they are cool fish. I really like mine too...

Hey Gaby, I'll try to shoot a pic soon...right now I'm too lazy LOL.

Shauna, that Tomini is SWEET. I was under the impression that they had the same habits as the Kole tangs...mine was more apt to rasping film algae from the glass than eating macro or hair algaes. I might consider one if they'll eat the "heavier" stuff. Did you get it online?
lol it's kewl dood, as long as it doesnt' take you a month i'm good :p .
the only thing i wonder is and it has me intriged is, what did Mojo get? :D
You got me...I was hoping these recent posts would urge him to show off his new pets...LOL
If I don't post pics in the next couple days, please feel free to give me a virtual kick in the rear.