Some New Babies...

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2003
Kingston, WA
Just wanted to share a few pics of our 20 day old Clowns. Amazing how small these little guys are even after nearly 3 weeks - around 7-8mm we figure.

Bred from 3rd generation Picasso Clown stock - we're starting to get some cool misbars and platinum morphs. Little gems...
Sweeet, can't wait to see them get a little bigger and would love to see in person when headed over to our place at Pt. No Pt. if you're taking visitors ?

Yeah those are great clowns! Would you mind PM'ing me with a price for these guys?
Sweet looking clowns! I've been wanting a picasso or platnium pair for a long time. Let us know when these are ready.
Thanks for the interest everyone - this has truly been a fun chapter in my reefkeeping experience.

Saltwaterfishes - As for food - currently we're feeding these guys everything but the kitchen sink. Crushed flake / Cyclopeeze / Oysterpearls / Ground Mysis and dried Egg Yolk off the top of my head - just took them off Brine Shrimp Napulii. We have another batch at 5 days of age from the same parents. For those little guys it's all about the almighty rotifer...fed once every 3-4 hours. We'll be starting them on Brine Shimp Napulii in another few days before they begin to morph.

We will have them for sale in about 80 days - when they're around 1" in length. Haven't determined price yet on these as they're still coloring up. Out of 4 platinums, we'll probably only have 2 available as we're planning on keeping a pair for boodstock. :eek:) As for Picasso's, we're starting to see some early connecting bars indicating some grade A's in the batch...we'll have to watch and wait.

Our plan is to post these in the livestock forum once they become available - feel free to PM if you'd like to get on a waiting list prior to posting.

For anyone that is interested in seeing these in person, feel free to PM me and we can set up a visit.

Thanks again for the interest - will be posting some more pics w/in the week as they are growing up quickly.

wow those are cute, i think my pair of clowns is about to start breeding; thanks for the pointers.
Nice Dave!
Hey I'm in the market for a pair, would you like me to p.m. you so when they are available you can let me know?
Oh, and I'm wanting a pair....
Saltwaterfishes - As for food - currently we're feeding these guys everything but the kitchen sink. Crushed flake / Cyclopeeze / Oysterpearls / Ground Mysis and dried Egg Yolk off the top of my head -

You have dried egg yolk on the top of your head??? Eww... On a serious note, I am curious where you got the food you are talking about. I have been seriously thinking about breeding my clown fish and would love to learn how. Also I am DEFINITELY interested in purchasing a pair when they are ready. I am looking for a beautiful Snowflake or Picasso pair. Well done!
You have dried egg yolk on the top of your head??? Eww... On a serious note, I am curious where you got the food you are talking about. I have been seriously thinking about breeding my clown fish and would love to learn how. Also I am DEFINITELY interested in purchasing a pair when they are ready. I am looking for a beautiful Snowflake or Picasso pair. Well done!

I guess, to be more specific, did you have a specific rotifer that you fed? Did you feed them different sizes at different stages? Did you culture your rotifers?

Also, what is Oyster Pearls? Is the dried egg yolk from chicken eggs? I have never heard of the egg yolk feed but I guess I can understand it from a nutritional standpoint.
I guess, to be more specific, did you have a specific rotifer that you fed? Did you feed them different sizes at different stages? Did you culture your rotifers?

Also, what is Oyster Pearls? Is the dried egg yolk from chicken eggs? I have never heard of the egg yolk feed but I guess I can understand it from a nutritional standpoint.

Hi - thanks for your interest. Yes, we culture rotifers at home in a shop area off our garage - about 8-10 gallons at any one time in several containers in various stages of growout density - they are that important for their survival. We feed one specific marine rotifer type called B. plicatilis with starter cultures available from several aquaculture growout facilities. We typically gut load it with a phytoplankton called Nannochloropsis along w/ selcon that is very effective for providing the best mix of nutrients for the fry.

The most important point to remember when raising these little guys from 0 - 6 days - respect the almighty rotifer - it is the key to life and generally the ONLY food souce suitable for these little guys. In my experience, "artificial rotifer substitutes" (snake oils) don't cut it - they should be from live cultures for greatest success. Also, rotifers are non-nutricious on their own, they must be effectively gut loaded to provide sustenance. While I've had fresh larvae survive insane ammonia spikes and wild temperature/salinity fluxuations, I've never had fry survive w/o a viable rotifer population. Nothing more depressing than trying to raise a new clutch after your rotifers cultures have crashed - like watching a bad car wreck. Have I mentioned rotifers are important....;o)

As for the egg yolk - my wife actually learned of using that as a food source after reading up on culturing fresh water betas. While used as a supplement to their normal diet - egg yolks (Chicken hard boiled) break down into nice 100-200um size - perfect for feeding young fry after 6+ days along w/ brine naupulii.

As for the Oyster Pearls - I meant to say "Oyster Feast", available from Reef Nutrition - consisting of oyster eggs and ovarian tissue. Another good sized supplement for young fry post meta.

Sorry for the long post - hope I answered your questions. By the way - mom and dad just layed another clutch this afternoon - the biggest yet. Time to get those rotifer cultures up to speed!

man that is awesome. Best of luck on those fry. Looks like many people are lining up for a shot at your babies.
congrats on the hard work, the new clutch, and the success you've had/will have!

I'm in for one/pair when they get big enough. Looks like you have a new side business to fund your saltwater addiction!
A few more pics - Day 41

Thought I'd post a few recent pics of this "oldest" batch - we're at day 41 and coloring up nicely - zero losses since day 12. Amazing how fast they grow at this time - looking different every day and eating voraciously! Also a pic of some newest arrivals...born 4/17 - Day 11. Next hatch due tonight at around 1030 - cross your fingers! Enjoy.
Hey Dave, they are looking awsome. Congrats on doing such a great job of rearing them. I may be heading over to Point No Point on Friday or maybe Saturday and would love to stop by for a short visit if your available. Please pm me with details if this works with your schedule.
