No sweat!
I did learn from your previous posts so thanks.
My tank is a 120g, and i took a buncha rock/all my sand out so I knew I would need some new water. I made 35g of new water, but the rest I kept as the old water so that when i transfered these guys they wouldnt have a problem. I also have a aquacontroller, and a medusa 3digit temp controller so I was able to keep my tub and my tank at the exact same temp.
Now as far as housing goes, I bought a 150g rubbermaid stock tank so I could fill that sucker up with no worries of bowing etc. I put my heaters in there on the medusa, and i took my tunze streams out of my tank and put them in the stock tank.
I first removed most my rock, as i sold it to a friend who didnt mind aiptasia all over it since its for his clownfish growout tanks(he breeds them and sells them). I then got all my corals and placed them all on the sand and started to drain my tank into the rubbermaid stock tank. As the water was approaching corals on the sand i started moving them from my tank into the rubbermaid tank. After the corals, I got my fish. A few corals were a little upset as normal, but they were only in the rubbermaid tub for about 4 hours and during that time almost every single one was loving it with their polyps extended. My flame hawk for whatever reason loved it there. He was so cute too, he would look up and stare at me. I love that guy!
So I scooped the sand out, took it out in buckets, and got as much as i could and did the rest with my wetvac like you did. Great Idea. Then it was time to start moving the stuff back into my tank and i did it the same way. Worked out really good.
No sweat on missing the post, I know your pretty busy.