Some pics from today

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lol he's a happy little camper I put him in the tank and he was all over the place no hiding at all acted like he owned it probably the most relaxed I have seen a new fish.
Are you kidding me spam in a post what is this world coming too lol its bad enough with email now they are starting in on forums crazy lol.
Thank you Adam did you see my little anenome that was the one that when my big anenome split, the split went thru a powerhead and well let's just say it wasn't pleasant but I found a little piece that had part of the foot and mouth with no tentacles and now... it looks like a anenome :)
Thank you yeah I am pretty happy with the rock work I actually recently rearranged it. The fish really like it I have lots more little holes and stuff for them to go in and out of the Angel and Butterfly love swimming thru them.