Some Pics of my 180g

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
Here are some of pics of my 180g.


Here is one of three of my Bartlett Anthias. I also have 4 dispars, and 1 Threadfin. Soon to have some Evansi also.

My huge bubble

Candy Cane



Huge Rose Bubble Anemone

Well the tank setup is a 180g reef ready tank. My sump/fuge is in the basement and it holds about 50-75g water with about 100lbs of live rock. I have the aqualight pro 72", with the 150 halides on it. The tank is pushing around 15 times turnover, so I have good flow. I'm putting my money away for a new skimmer (running two remora pros on it now). Use a phosban reactor to push carbon 10 days out of the month.

I have a mostly lps dominate tank but slowly starting to add sps to the mix. I have frogspawn, grape, hammer, large torch, frag torch, candy cane, long tentacle plate, short tentacle plate, fiji leather, toadstool leather, xenias, australian acanthastrea, blastomussa and a group of water mellon mushrooms. There are also some mixed zoos in the tank. I only have one sps right now and it's an Acropora valida which is still coloring up.

Fish are orange spot rabbit, 3 bartlett anthias, 4 dispar anthias, 1 threadfin anthias, nox angel, 2 green chromis, 1 mandarin, pair of clowns in large rose bubble, dragon goby, and aurora goby.

Thats about all I can think off the top of my head. I'm going to be adding some more Anthias hopefully by this weekend!
I agree real nice tank man

Is it neon all the time??

Oh and you have your plumbing going through the floor to the basement if so thats real cool

Let's see pics
Those shots were just with my actinic bulbs on. The halides were off. And yes, my plumbing does go through my floor into my basement, summer time chiller :)! I will take some shots of that tonight and post them.
Here are some pics of my piping and sump room.

Piping going through the floor

This is piping coming out of the tank. The wavy piping is the drain which I'm going to redo works for right now.

This is the piping going down to the sump or up to the tank:)

Just my piping coming off the pump. One going back into the sump, other going back to the tank.

Top view of the sump

RO/DI unit

RO/DI storage with spout

Custom cheap baffles, hey they work

Gravity fed top-off
Here is a good shot of my Orange Spotted Rabbit fish!

I just got my 4 Evansi Anthias today! I just got some good shots of them and my Dispars, who have decided they want to come out and play with the Evansi, making them a lot more photogenic! I will post them soon.
Here are the photos of the Anthias'.

Here is a partial group shot.


Another partial shot with 4 of the Dispars and 3 of Evansis.






Dragon Goby

And some more

Heres a shot of one of the Evansi.


Here is my new Naso. He's about 2" - 3" big! Great personality.



Yes. I'm trying to keep it simple. I have about 2.5 gallons of evaporation a day, so I'm eventually going to go to a bigger top off tank.
Good to know it works
I have been feeding my float valve right from the pressure tank of my rodi system but it keeps driving my Alk down. I will be setting something up so a 5 gallon feeds my float valve with prepped water.
Thanks for the info and you have a great looking tank!
I'm getting married in June so I have to put the tank on hold, except for little stuff here and there that the wifey to be won't mind! After the wedding I'm going to be hooking up an over the tank closed loop, adding a new, larger skimmer, and redo some of the plumbing under the tank. I'm pretty happy with all the fish that I have and think that it's a good balance. Like I just posted, I want to get one more tang and I would be contempt for a while (or so I think).

My current fish list is:
3 Pseudanthias Bartlettorum - Bartlett Anthias
4 Pseudanthias Dispar - Dispar Anthias
4 Pseudanthias Evansi - Evansi Anthias
1 Nemanthias Carberryi - Threadfin Anthias
1 Naso Lituratus - Naso Tang
1 Siganus Punctatus - Orange Spotted Rabbitfish
2 Amphiprion Percula - Mated pair of Percula Clowns
1 Centropyge Nox - Black Nox Angel
1 Synchiropus cf. Splendidus - Green Mandarin
1 Amblyeleotris Aurora - Pink Bar Goby
1 Amblygobius Phalaena - Dragon Goby
2 Chromis Atripectoralis - Green Chromis
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