Some updated tank shots

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
Just thought I'd show some shots of my tank. It's been a while and I've changed some things, like adding a sump and redoing my closed loop.
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Looks great Reed!
Can you give me some info on your tank? How long have you had the RedBugs? Have you noticed any issues with your corals from them?

Reed! That is looking good bud :D It is funny how those corals kinda one day just start looking pretty huge huh?
Thanks all.
Can you give me some info on your tank? How long have you had the RedBugs? Have you noticed any issues with your corals from them?
Nick, It's a 75 gallon tank with probably 10 gallons in the sump. I'm running a lifereef skimmer, 2 250W XM 10Ks, an Ampmaster 3000 for the Closed loop (1 seaswirl and 3 other 3/4" static outlets), and a mag 9.5 for the return through a SCWD. The tank has been up and running for 3.5-4 years now. As far as I can tell, I have had the bugs for at least 6 months (probably longer without knowing it). I have no idea where they came in. Just noticed them one day. I haven't seen any issues with my corals due to red bugs. Color is fine, polyp extension at night is great, and I have yet to lose one due to this (other stupid human tricks...yes, but not due to bugs).

Thanks. It's finally starting to grow in and look like a mature tank.

It is kinda funny how they are frags one day and the next you can't get them off a rock without a hack saw. Those darn purple tip acros just grow like mad.
Hey Jiddy. Yes, I like the lifereef skimmer a lot. I bought it used, so the price was much more attractive than the new ones, but lifereef has a reputation for building high quality equipment, so they command a higher price tag. I would recommend them after using the skimmer for a while now. It's pulling out gunk everyday that my little bacpac skimmer couldn't.
Looking great Reed! It really looks like things have grown since the last shot I saw. One problem though... You have two georgous colonies that look identical... This redundancy is not needed.. You may want to have someone with a 280gal in wall find a place where it can be the star of the show again instead of a twin ;)

Really does look great. As far as the red bugs are concerned for which I have no experience, I did follow a discussion on dragon face pipe fish which naturally prey on them. Dr.Fosters&Smith posted a video recording of one eating them off an acropora in one of there small experiment tanks. They were fairly inexpensive and sturdy lil guys.. kinda cool.
lol I JUST went through the red bug thread here which you were a large contributor... Now I am going to see if I can see any on mine tonight.
One problem though... You have two georgous colonies that look identical... This redundancy is not needed.. You may want to have someone with a 280gal in wall find a place where it can be the star of the show again instead of a twin ;)

John, there are actually 4 colonies in the tank of the one you see. I would gladly trade with you if it weren't for the red bugs. If you have the means to treat or don't mind the little buggers PM ma and we'll work something out.

Thanks for the compliment. It's coming along now. Slowly making progress toward my vision.
Nice tank. Are you (or have you) done the interceptor treatment? Or are you going to wait till you notice problems?
Thanks Tarasco.

I have not done the treatment as I have not seen the negative effects that a lot of other people have. I am hopeful that I have a strain of bugs that are not as harmful as the mighty ones that others have been devastated by. I plan to wait it out and see. I have not lost a coral from this or seen any decline in night time polyp extension. They are growing and are colored I will be the oddball and just wait.
Awesome Reed!!!!!!!!!!! Now I understand the desire for the calcium reactor, lol

looking good Brother

Hey your system looks Great! I especially like those Fragman Frags that are now turning into colonies! :) Do the Red Bug Treatment, I did in both systems and I'm really glad to be rid of them! It's just too easy not to do it.

Thanks all! I really appreciate the compliments.

I know I should treat for the bugs, but I just don't want to lose the acro crabs and cleaner shrimp. At some point I'll get the nerve to do it, but I'm content to just ride it out for now. And yes, those Fragman, signature frags are doing great...I'm loving the growth of the millis...if I could just get that purple milli to grow a little faster.