Something growing on my acro

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Drink me
Jan 30, 2006
Redmond, WA
I still have a little white patch. Does anyone have an idea what this is?


I'm not sure what that white ball is. If I was to guess, I would guess some type of egg sack.

Ummmmm, looking at that picture though, I'm very worried about the little dark-red dots on your Acro! Check other people's threads here about "Red Bugs" to ensure this isn't going to become a problem for ya guy!
Ed, I don't *think* these are red bugs. I've seen red bugs and they are considerably smaller than the spots I have here (also these don't move!). I thought they were just part of the coloring of the coral (which shouldn't be brown but that's another problem). This frag was also treated with some others using Interceptor in the quarantine tank before it went in the display so I hope that's not what we're looking at here.
Not having a clue what it is... I would probably try removing it.

I know, its not a "normal" thang to see people's acro's with egg sacks on them... so if it isn't normal, remove???
Hey slick do you have any clown gobys in your tank because they are known to lay their eggs on sps corals like this...

Well I don't have any clown gobies... I'm not sure if the guy I got them from has any clown gobies either. Anyway whatever it is has been there for about a month.
I haven't tried touching them for fear of disturbing the balance of nature. Or something. It wouldn't be a big deal to put it back in QT if necessary.

I'll drop Anthony a PM to check out this thread.
it's tough to say from pic only, but it does have a look of irritation from a commensal organism (worm, barnacle, tiny gall crab, et cetera).

Can you provide a full frame clear macro shot? (no digital zoom please)
Well I am a camera-retard, but here is about the best I can do without putting the camera in the water. That's a bad idea, right?

no worries... a good attempt indeed. Still tough to say with any certainty though, alas. I'm now leaning towards it not being part of the acro (ala gall), in seeing that the corallites are fighting to peek through. I think this growth is unrelated.
Ok well I'll try my underwater propane torch and see if that removes the growth.

Or I guess I could move it to QT and pick it off with some tweezers. I'm afraid to do it in the main tank, in case it's something that could spread if I mess with it.
that is totally weird.. the frag doesn't seem affected due to the polyps being out, yet it still has this weird growth or bundle of eggs or whatever that is growing or hanging on it. I think I'd say cut it off and super glue over that area, like Brad said.
Agree get it out of your display remove it. Gluing would be an option. i would wait before gluing but thats just a choice.