Something Wrong With Sailfin Tang

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Oct 19, 2008
Anyone know whats wrong with this tang? Its in a buddys tank and been getting better but im still worried about his eye. Any ideas? You can see the scarring on his sides. Those were white around the edges for months and receding but i've been doing routing water changes and they have been looking on the upside.







I dunno if that is what it is cause the blue hippo had it also and it completely healed when I took over the tank. I dunno though.
Hard to tell from the photos, but it looks as though it has a bacterial infection. That would explain the "pop" eye. Generally bacterial infections are secondary, often distracting and even hiding the real issue. Parasites are a good place to start(flukes or flatworms?). Has any livestock been added recently? Has the aquarium gone through any large changes resulting in stress for the fish, causing it to become vulnerable to infection? Best thing to do is pull the fish and quarantine. A good, general antibiotic never hurts. If you have any amoxicillin laying around it works really well, I believe the dosing is 250mg/20gal, but most fish stores have a few kinds in stock. Just make sure you keep up on the water changes, the antibiotics kill off even beneficial bacteria and tend to foul up the water a bit. Hope this helps.
The Fish looks like a Desajardini Sailfin to me. I also have one and it developed the same symptoms(keyword symptoms), I quarantined my fish in a tank with NO substrate due to the fact that one can actually breed further unwanted Bacteria!
I employed a Broad Spectrum Medication that covers both Bacteria and Parasitical infections/infestations ! It took 3 weeks for it to show signs of improvement. Also be careful with too many water changes ! Stress also becomes a factor , Good Luck !
You are correct it is a Desajardini. Thanks for the heads up, I know now what to start researching. His body has improved but his eye is still bad and he staying to one corner of the tank. I do a 20g water change on the 150g system weekly and had done a 10g change every two days for 8 days when I saw the fishes state. Within those first two weeks he improved from what was far worse to what you see now but i might have to get a 40b and qt him im not sure what i want to do yet. Thanks again
Within those first two weeks he improved from what was far worse to what you see now...

If the fish's condition seems to be improving I'd continue with the water changes. Moving the fish will be as stressful as anything else you're doing and the big tank is probably the best available space for it. If it continues to improve I'd do nothing. If it's condition remains the same or begins to deteriorate then I'd move it and treat with some broad spectrum antibiotics.

Agree. If its doing better, sont stress it more. Id just let it be, keep an eye on it, people may not agree, but add some garlic to its food. It couldnt hurt, boosts the immune system.