Thrift store item
It was something i always see at thrift stores.I think you put pasta in it with hot water and it ''makes perfect pasta every time''.So why do i see so many on the shelfs of thrift stores?Any way i ditched the second lid since i was going to experament in my quaranteen--home for unwanted fish,and this alows the water to just up flow through the second screen type lid.First i cut two pieces of sponge,then i cut a small hole in the screen lid,i put a elbow with a hose barb screwed into the bottom side with a piece of tubeing to create a up flow[basicly just like a phos reactor],and hooked a ball valve so i could regulate flow,and now im just trying to make sure ph doesn't fall to low,and see what flow rate works the best.The media im useing is a product that is a sulfer-aragonite blend from Carib sea,and doesn't say much as far as how or where to use it.Place in any oxygen restritced enviroment,with a way to adjust flow.This is experamental so we do not accept any responsibilty,is basicly what the jar says.I'll give it another week before i check nitrate again,to see if it is working.The fish and crabs and stuff don't seem to mind,and i haven't seen any drastic ph drop.