sps coral question

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2007
Los Angeles
I just wondering if too much light might effect the color of the sps coral..i have a montipora cap..thas suppose to be red..but its turning pink..the growth rate at this moment is really good..but the color and polyp is turning so light.. i have 2x400 watts over my 20 inch height tank.. and the lights are about 1 1/2 feet off the surface of the water.. the monitpora cap is in the middle of the tank.. i notice alot of my coral color is fading brown..beside my green cap.. i thought that it might be too much light for the tank...any advice would be greatful.
Light intensity plays a large role in coral coloration. On average higher light intensity produces lighter coloration in SPS corals as it (the coral) reduces the numbers of zooxanthellae in its tissue.
Coloration is subjective and often not related to coral health. One person may like darker coloration while another may like the lighter color. Similar to color temperature of lighting systems (ie one person likes 10,000K and another likes 20,000K).

You might try slightly higher kelvin bulbs or a brand of bulb that produces less PAR than your current bulbs.

okay..i'll new bulb on the upcoming convention..but as of right now i'm using 20k bulbs..and i hope it doesn't over kill my coral..i see alot of growth rate..but coloration fade alot..especially once my new ro/di system get here..i plan to do 10 gallon water change every week..hoping to be able to keep the color and see better growth..on my sps.. thanks for the advice thou kevin..