SPS corals growing everywhere in my tank!

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Mar 26, 2009
So, I believe that I was the victim of "polyp bailout syndrome". A while back, I had a few issues with my tank (including this one! http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f14/ultimate-oops-probably-killed-all-my-corals-58245/) that led to losing a few frags of pocillopora and birdsnest corals. Lately I have noticed dozens of spots on my LR and on my glass that are obviously SPS corals starting to encrust and produce more polyps. They are still quite small now, and won't be able to get pics until my brother comes over with his good camera, but I am pretty sure they are pocilloporas.
How common is this?

Isn't it cool that I sacrificed A couple frags and a mini colony for dozens of fresh naturally formed corals?

Wouldn't you think this is a sign that my tank is doing extremely well now compared to when they "bailed out"?

Well, I'm excited, and I'm going to let them grow out as much as I can until I have problems with space and have to give 'em away! Will take pictures ASAP, but they are all getting bigger with more polyps everyday!
This happened to me. I have dozens of sprouting Poci buds all over the tank and live rock/glass. The only problem is that some are growing really close to other corals and I am going to have to chip the frags off of whatever they are growing on soon. However, this should be a sign of good water quality and so on...
It is quite common for Pocillopora sp. to perform polyp bailout. The downside is that they often grow in places that are inappropriate and can become the dominate coral. On the other hand if they are growing rapidly it is a good sign that water conditions are favorable for SPS growth.

I've woke up, to a white skeleton, of Pocillopora, only to find it growing in various places, a few months later. For some reason, it seems to bail out, at the slightest stresser. The polyps seem to be "heavy" enough that they don't get sucked up by our filtration, allowing the polyps to migrate, throughout our tanks! It's also one of the most commonly found "hitchhiker corals," when acquiring live rock, I assume for the same reasons.
I never lost a colony of pocillopora but had babies growing everywhere in my tank. Loc line fittings, the water line, overflow teeth, under big colonies, everywhere. I always figured it was a sign of a healthy system. In my case, I found they broke off their base easily when they were small.
pics of this anyone???

It's now almost 4 months after first noticing them growing. Doesn't seem like a ton of growth, until you realize that they all started from single polyps! They are in tons of random spots all over the live rock and on the overflows, but this big rock in the corner has the highest concentration of them.

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Maybe I can bring a bunch of them to seamax in July and give them away free! 100% aquacultured. Hey that sounds like a good name for a store, maybe I will use it someday!