Stainless Steel

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Hermiston, OR
Can I use Stainless Steel hose clamps on my hoses that run in the sump. I saw these at home depot but wasnt sure i should use them.
I would try to stay away from it. Maybe use hose barbs with zip ties if possible....
You can use the Type 316 SS hose clamps available in marine supplies such as West Marine. They are suitable for saltwater, and cost considerably more than the type 304SS clamps available at Home Depot, etc. The type 304 will rust in saltwater.
Are there any plastice types to use? Here is what I have done but I dont feel like it is very safe. It's just fitted with silicone.
yep, look for 316L or 316 stainless, your PH's some pumps have ss as the shaft or part of the saltwater seal.
Wieselsport said:
Are there any plastice types to use? Here is what I have done but I dont feel like it is very safe. It's just fitted with silicone.
Unless that is the drain line, you should get rid of all those 90's. Lots of headloss.

Also, consider spaflex instead of the clear tubing. If you have light on your sump, you will eventually get algae growth on the inside of the clear tubing, reducing flow.
Some of the barbed fittings are so tight i never used clamps on them but that was me i wouldn't say to do that.
Yeah I didnt want to put those in, but I didnt see much of a way around it. Unless I take it down and go PVC. I just tried to get the sump going and the pump already pumps too much, or my overflow isnt pulling its weight.
run a return line that will back flow water to your sump, add a gate valve to restrict that flow & you can control your level with that.