Standpipe Too Slow

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I'll have to take a picture.

The U-tube is over the wall of the aquarium. So the top of the tube can't fill with water unles the room of the house fills that high with water (J/K) :)
Both ends stay submerged (else it would not function)

THe puzzling thing is that without the standpipe the water flow is good, after sticking the stand-pipe back into the bulkhead, my flow slows down. I am leaning toward one of two things (since all I can do is THINK ABOUT IT until I get back home) 1.) Large diameter pipe for the stand pipe 2.) different design (i.e. stockman or Hofer)
What fun, actually I enjoy problem solving, but I'd enjoy my tank better if I got it working. :)
Thanks, Monty
I am talking about the "U" part of the standpipe. Not the "U" going into the overflow box.
It has to be a simple adjustment issue with the airhole etc. It is only using half of the pipe so it makes sense that you are gettiing low flow. What time you going to be home? I will meet you there.:lol:
Well unless i red that wrong, you have a 1' to 3/4' reducer on the drain side of the over flow???? why,

get rid of the 3/4 stuff and run 1' from the tank to the sump, that unless your pump is rated way way more then what your over flow can handle, (or you have a blockage) you should have that problem
oh, so then the drain should be all 3/4 and the return pump should be smaller.

is the problem that the return pump is pumping more water then what is draining?

but a inlarger from 3/4 to 1' will server nothing, its only gonna flow as fast as it can go through the 3/4 part,
HI. Back after the weekend. After testing everything I could think of, I have come up with this as the problem:
The water level in the inside o/f box and the level in the outside o/f box is not different enough to siphon the water fast enough. The only thin I can think of is to add another inside o/f box, or tear out the one there and make bigger o/f boxes all together (not an option at this time). Does anybody have any other suggestions?

As for the previous questions, I went with 3/4" pipes to the sump because the only bulkhead that fits through a 1" hole reduces the size to 3/4". It would be useless to use 1", since the opening gets reduced to 3/4" by the thickness of the bulkhead piece. :(

As for the flow capacity, I can get the flow from the pump to go throught the pipes, I just can't get the flow to go through the siphon tubes fast enough because of the levels in the o/f boxes not being different enough.
I had the same problem I just change my PVC from 1 inch to 1 and 1/4 and my box and pump worked fine but with 1150 pump you might want to go from 1 inch to 1 and 1/2 inch pvc