starter sps

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Well-known member
May 17, 2008
Moscow, ID
I would like to transition into sps corals and was wondering which species would be a good starter coral. I was thinking that montis would be a good start, but let me know your thoughts. I have about 10 watts / gallon of pc lighting on the tank
Green Pavona

My first sps were red cap. and green pavona. They both grew great and I didn't have that much light. Only had a 660 on a 180 gal. LOL
I definitely agree with Montiporas, both digitata and caps. They're pretty hardy SPS. There's also some lower light demanding Acros, such as Valida that you could probably get. Poccillapora also did good when I had in in my 46 gallon under PC lighting. I've heard that Hydnophoras are very high light demanding, however, they do great in my 75 under T5s and in an area that's quite shaded....however, they're also pretty aggressive and will win just about any stinging battle with other SPS, so give them lots of room.
I have a Hydnophora unter plain florecent lighting and it does not close up tight but it is healthy and bright green. It was given to me and I have had it for abou 4 months now.