starting a 125 gallon tank

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You really do not need a mechanical filter, your live rock and sand will do the filtration naturally. Will need more information as to what kind of tank you are setting up. Fish only or fish and corals or corals only, then what kind of corals Then we can help you a little more. Just slowed down, it will same you time and money in the long run by not having to buy the right equipment after buying the wrong equipment in a hurry. We all know how excited you are and how all you want to do is get it up and running, but we have all been there and know what you are going thru. One of the most important pieces of equipment you can start with is a RODI unit. Try the filter guys.
+1 on the RODI
and a good skimmer
If you look around a bit you may find someone on here to MENTOR you on your setup..
THey can give helfull hints and a helping hand..
LOTS of good people on here..
I'm currently working on my 2nd set-up of a 125g. (Same set-up, just getting things done the way I like them this time.) +1 on holygral saying to take your time with the set-up. Make sure everything you do is to your liking. Even the smallest thing that bothers you can become a glaring issue with time. A good RO/DI set-up (I got mine from The Filter Guys) An efficient Skimmer properly sized for your tank set-up. (Take into consideration if you plan to have a low, medium, or high bio-load. As well as type of corals you plan to keep.) Aside from that you can look to include chaeto in your sump for nutrient export. I also run carbon and phosban through phosban reactors.