Starting a new tank but not new to the hobby.

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Sep 29, 2013
Chester, VA
I just started a 40g breeder yesterday. As I am not new to the hobby, it has been a long time since I've started a tank cycle. I had a 55g for over 10 years and had to break it down. So, it's been about a year since the break down and here I am again. My 40B will be a reef. Mostly LPS and softies. Equipment is, 20L sump, Vertex Omega 130 skimmer, Lumentek Pro 180 led(on the way), Vortech MP10, 60lbs of live sand, and 50lbs of reef safe rock(you know the non-live stuff). My question is, should I run my lights and skimmer during the cycle? My skimmer is brand new and needs to be broken in, but that won't happen since there is nothing to skim...I think I just answered part of my question. Also, when I'm all done and ready for the real fun stuff, adding livestock. What would you suggest as the maximum I could keep in this set-up? Thanks.
I don't! My theory is you want to start a bacteria driven sytem and not an algea one....know what I mean?

Run the skimmer. It will help it get going, and help any organics out. I would leave the lights off though. No point in startkngnout green.
Run the skimmer. It will help it get going, and help any organics out. I would leave the lights off though. No point in startkngnout green.

OK. Good thing about not running the lights, because they haven't come in yet. Thanks.
I agree on running the skimmer. There likely won't be anything to skim out, (although I guess that kind of depends on your ammonia source) but just breaking it in and getting a good slime coat is worth the time. I've always cycled on a regular light schedule also, but that is just because I end up tinkering with things to get what I want, and by the time I'm ready to add fish/corals, I like to have that set. I kind of figure your going to get the algae anyway, so its not really hurting anything... other than possibly slowing the cycle down because of hands in the tank. I've always preferred a 'slow' cycle anyway though, just because I feel like it lends itself to more stability.
as far as a maximum bioload. I feel you should always let your system dictate that to you by shooting for zero nitrates. phosphate is another story...and a long one, but if you add fish slowly and be on top of testing nitrates, your sytsem will tell you all you need to know. Much better than being overstocked and always chasing nitrates and being slave to your tank! Keep in mind that any unwanted algea growth in the display are using nitrates so acount for that and shoot for no unwanted algea in the display.
I bought a shrimp and placed it in my tank. Raw. Now, is the shrimp supposed to cook while in the water? I put the frozen shrimp in and now I notice it looks like its been cooked. I know what you are thinking. My tank temp is 79 degrees. Was just wondering is this was a normal thing.
i've never noticed that, but i've always put mine in a filter bag, or panty hose so if things got nasty i could still pull it out. (they will fall aprt over time)
When I have done that, they almost seem to puff up and have a thin outer casing on them as they decompose. They will fall apart though, I usually net it out if not placed in a container of some sort.
Here are some of my cycling tank shots. 20140330_041502.jpg
3 weeks into the cycle. I had small ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate spikes. Now everything is testing 0's. I was using API test kits. Just got my Red Sea test kits and I'm going to re-test. If they show the same, what do I do? Seem too short for the cycle to be over. Especially since I had mostly reef safe rock and a few pieces of seed rock. Any and all input welcome. Thanks.
Cycles are just one more thing do things in their own time. :)
If you added an ammonia source as discussed and the levels tested out, it likely did its thing. Did you run the lights, and are you seeing some diatoms? If there is some algae popping up, I'd start with a small CuC for a week or two... let them help to strengthen your bacteria levels... If you plan on using a QT (couldn't recommend one more IMO) you should be pretty safe to go pick out a fish. :)
Yes QT tank for sure. Already took advantage of the petco $1 a gallon sale and picked up a 10g. I did not add ammonia like we discussed. Wasn't comfortable with doing that. Didn't know how much to add. Not running my lights and no signs of diatoms. Tank water and sand are clear as a bell. Not ready for a CUC as there is no signs of anything in the tank.
Cycles are just one more thing do things in their own time. :)
If you added an ammonia source as discussed and the levels tested out, it likely did its thing. Did you run the lights, and are you seeing some diatoms? If there is some algae popping up, I'd start with a small CuC for a week or two... let them help to strengthen your bacteria levels... If you plan on using a QT (couldn't recommend one more IMO) you should be pretty safe to go pick out a fish. :)