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Active member
May 29, 2012
Seattle, WA
So on June 8th I hope to be ordering my tank which will be a Nuvo 16 by Innovative Marine. Compared to most of the other AIO tanks I felt this one is the best from what I have read.

I was debating between the 8 gallon cube or the 16 gallon but with the livestock I want the 16 would be better suited I think.

With the larger size of the 16 gallon comes an extra overflow, extra media basket, extra filter chamber and extra return nozzle. The best part of these added features is the added filter chamber. Within the already spacious filter area is an added constant level chamber, and with a total of two, this means some interesting things can be done. They can be used for a refugium, skimmer compartment or heater chamber, and because there are two of them, I can pick any combo of these I would like.

I am thinking that refugium and heater chamber would be good. Think that a skimmer won't be needed since I plan on weekly wc.

To give an idea the following is what I plan to stock it with.
  • Typical CUC
  • Various softies and lps corals
  • Flower Anemone
  • Anemone Shrimp or Anemone Crab
  • Harlequin Shrimp (I know what they eat)
  • Boxer/Pom Pom Crab
  • One or two fish (Undecided atm but will want something uncommon for sure)

From the tank to the livestock does that sound like a good tank or should I change anything?
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Change your water volume from 16gal to 210gal. LOL

It sounds like a wonderful plan for a nano tank. More options are always better. What have you decided for lighting?

BTW welcome to RF
Pics are mandatory for a new tank build, hope you have a camera. LOL
Hehe, yeah I have my phone for pictures and even will be starting a blog as a way to document the entire process and be able to keep track of all the water tests and whatnot in case I even need to look back and compare.

The tank comes with 2 clip on 8 watt Skkye Light LEDs. Some people say it is good to get a third for corals which if people here agree with that then I will but have also hear the two stock ones are enough.

BTW thanks...very glad to have found this site. Tried another reef site but no one ever responds to me.​


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Well went to BRA today for the fist time and the woman there told me about CAD Lights Aquariums. So now I'm looking at this 12 gallon which is less than half the price of the 16 Nuvo I was planning to get. Anyone know how their tank quality is?

You can click on the tank to view it on CAD Lights' website with all the specs.

I just bought a CAD light from bra! :)
It's really cool.. I dunno about the tanks, but the light is definitely legit. It looks like a futuristic cheese grater haha
That was me. I had an emergency and pleaded with them - and that's after I begged everyone in the Tacoma area and came up with nothing lol
Really love this light though. I'd recommend it.

hey you mentioned harlequin shrimp in your original post... those guys are really cool lookin! What do they eat? I wouldn't mind getting one but I'm pretty new to sw.
They only eat starfish. They prefer live ones and seem to like chocolate starfish the best but will eat other ones as well but can be picky I guess. There have been some people that claim they sometimes will eat urchins but rare. is the best site to learn about them.
oh wow. seems like a lot of work to keep shrimp!! Would you have a separate tank for the starfish? Those harlequins are really cool but I couldn't imagine having to set up a whole 'nother tank just for their food
There are different methods and that is one of them. You would have a tank of multiple starfish and then just cut off a limb when you wanted to feed the shrimp. Rotate which one gives up a limb while the others regenerate the lost limbs.

I won't be doing that method though. I will either just go and buy them as needed or try the freeze method. You buy some starts and freeze them. Then you cut/break off a limb, thaw it and feed to the shrimp. For one shrimp one limb per week works. Each one is different and not all will do the frozen method and will want a live star.

If you give a live starfish then one will last 3-4 weeks. If you have a mated pair they can tear through one in a week. This is all from my research and understanding. I have never owned one but once I do I can say for sure.

They are not cheap to feed but it's the price to pay for having such a cool invert that isn't a common to see in most tanks.
Yeah. They are really cool/rare, I'll give you that!
Keep us posted, I'm interested in seeing these guys in action - I've only seen one before at a LFS and I freaked out like "OMG what is THAT!!!!" haha :D
Will do but will probably be about 6 months or more since I don't even have a tank yet. Talking to Clear Fabrications about a custom tank with that fathers day sale.

Thinking it might still be put of my price range even with a discount but we'll see.
Well I'm ordering my tank within the next 12 hours which will be the Cadlights 12g. The lighting it comes with 1 LED lighting system at 6.2W. Quad panels design with light output of 4000 LUX/Fc, equivalent to 48W T5HO lighting. Now with 2Blues:1White. Great for a wide range of corals (They claim). Now I can get another one from them when I order for an extra $50 which sounds like a good deal to me.

My question is it really worth the extra money to get a second one of these lights since I would like to have lps corals at some point or can I get away with just one?
Wish I could answer that for ya...if you're only getting the 12g I don't think you could fit 2 of these over it (??) I have a 12 hex and it spans the top of mine (well, mostly). I'm sure on a more rectangular/square tank you probably COULD make two fit, but I doubt you'd need it..

Anyone else that knows please correct me if I'm wrong...
I just got the tank yesterday and went with the 2 lights. They fit and think it looks good not to mention they put out some serious light. I'll be getting some live rock/land tomorrow and will take some pics.
Due to last minute things happening I wasn't able to buy the live rock or sand. I do, however, have some dry rock coming in on Friday and with that paycheck I should be able to get the sand.

I was wondering if anyone has just a couple pounds of live rock that I could buy for cheap to help seed the dry rock coming in? I have Friday-Monday off and live in Seattle. Can drive to someone that lives close. Any help is appreciated...
Luckily had someone pm and will be getting the rock/sand on Friday. I'll take some pics once it's all setup!
Here are pics I've taken. The first ones are when I first put the live rock in and was waiting on UPS to deliver the dry rock. The brittle stars came out like crazy to their new home and even started spawning. Was crazy to see!

The blue thing is a soft coral called a Blue Xenia. I don't know much about it and conflicting stuff about it online. Some say it's easy to care for and will grow like a weed and others say they are hard to keep alive. For feeding some say to dose iodine in the tank for them and others say NO! Don't do that and say they are filter feeders. Either way it looks happy to me at the moment as long as my lights are on. When they go off he slumps over and looks depressed....pep talks don't work btw :frown:

I am very surprised how well the stars and coral are doing considering it is a brand new setup they are in but was worried for sure. Can't wait for the dry rock to seed and start getting more inverts!

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