Well, I am finally getting some critters in the new 225. It is starting to look like an aquarium again. The RBTA is size of a dinner plate. There is also one on the backside of the rock. The clowns were spawning on a regular basis in the old system. I hope they like this one as much and continue to spawn. By the way, they are Ben and Geri. No, not original but still nice. I moved the elegance about 30 minutes before I took the pics so it isn't open fully. The Duncans never seem to close...FEED ME. I managed to get a couple of tank bred and raised Banghai (Banghaii, Bangai, Bangaii, etc...lol) cardinals last evening and they are doing well in the tank today. Critters will continue to be added for a while. I do enjoy the hobby. Hope everyone is having good success with their tanks. Take care and have a good day.