Stepping down from Admin

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Staff Housemonkey
Jul 31, 2003
Hey guys & gals,
I'm not normally the type of person who posts personal stuff up for all to see, however, I didnt want to leave anyone wondering what's going on and leave any questions unanswered. I also feel that this board and its members are pretty family so, its not like I'm throwing this out to strangers

I've spoken with both Scott and Mike regarding my lack of available time, and how it bugs the crap out of me that I'm not able to spend anywhere near as much time here helping out as I'd like.

Bottom line, with work ramping up to high gear, (tis the season to be stealing, robbing, and assaulting the family after al....I'm a police officer in St Louis for those that dont know), and with my twin 11 month old daughters getting bigger and more mobile every day, I honestly just dont have the time I used to.

I've been feeling like I'm not pulling my weight around here and that's been seriously bothering me.

After speaking with both Scott and Mike, I've decided to step down from being an Admin and go back to being a Mod. With Mike being here full time and the rest of the staff stepping up and helping out, I feel comfortable knowing that the board isnt being left in a lurch.

I'm not leaving RF, and in fact, you wont be seeing any less of me at all.

However, I wont feel like I'm neglecting things, so it all works out.

Thanks for understanding,

Thanks for all you do Nick!! I understand totally what you mean as I was in the same position not too long ago with my new additions to my family and moving into my new house. Glad you will still be a mod here though and hang out with us when you can. :)
Thanks Krish and Big Blue.

BB141, how did the tank move go?
I havent had a chance to keep up with your thread. Hopefully, everything went well.
You need to stay safe too...I was a Marine long before I became a cop, and spent several months at sea. I know how dangerous a boat underway can be...

I'm hoping the tank move is going well. :D

Of all the days for the phones to be down, today is not a good day for me!!!!!!! I'm a little anxious right now and am hoping to find something out sooner than later.
Have fun and be safe Maxx. And remember, Once A Marine, Always A Marine.

so it does work out..
i am looking for a career in law enforcement in my county but i was worried if i would have time for the tank!!
i still have 2 year b4 i can even apply but it all works out :)
I think we all understand. Although I am fairly new here and have not had the opportunity to meet you in person, I just wanted to share that I feel where you are coming from. With a 20 month old and a 5 month old I am finding I have much....much less time than normal to do anything that I "want" to do....for that matter you can put "need" to do in that category as well.