STN on my SPS

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I am starting to wonder if its some unforseen untested bioload issue.

Alot of coral
A couple of fish
Plenty of Base sand
Very little live rock at the moment.

I have thought about that one alot actually trido. What should I test? When would be the best time to test? A certain amount of time after feeding? A certain amount of time after lights out?

Ive tested amonia several times randomly and always come up with 0.
Ive tested nitrates several times and come up with numbers between .1 and 1.
Phosphates always come up .01
Ive only tested nitrites once, then found the kit was expired. It did however show up as .5, but this was also around the same day that I had to pull my red/green brain from the tank because it was dead and sloughing tissue. So i am not sure if this test is erronious, or worth investigating further.
maybe it's that "invisible cycle" stuff, the waves of different type of bacteria that bloom, die out, are consumed by some other kind, etc. (and you can't test for it).
My guess is that your LR should be about cured by now. Id do a nice 50% WC on the cure tank and then test for amm. and NO3 religiously for a few days and see if things are at 0. If so, get that LR in the 120 ASAP.
So far it seems that stable alk and and the last round of super glueing seemed to have helped a lot in halting the STN. Some corals are already showing new base over the "super glue bandaids." This gives me hope for the rest of the tank.

Since setting up the tank over a month ago, I have been maintaining my calc/alk by kalk dripping and manual dosing via 2 parters. Daily testing has shown that I have been successfull, but man its a lot of work. Especially with the alk compenent that must be dosed slowly. My roomates think I am crazy walking over to the tank and pouring a little more liquid in every couple hours =P Last night however I finally got my calcium reactor hooked up. The thing was a real pita. It leaked at just about every possible plumbing connection, so I spent over a week just leak testing =P I look forward to only having to test every couple days now, and then once a week once Im sure its dialed in. Im sure the stability will help as well. Hopefully Ill get to crank this sucker up soon when more corals start taking off.
