stock list for for 75 and 125

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
ok so DAR for my stock in my 75 gallon I think I want a pair of Picasso clown fish, and a bubble tip anemone for them. Not really sure what else I was thinking a baby powder blue tang, maybe a dragon goby thing, lawn mower blenny, 7 nas snails, all different types of hermits about 30,a Niger trigger, 2 cleaner shrimps, maybe a male anthia and a couple females, and maybe some kind of dart fish, probably a couple of peppermints
and I'm always up for suggestions.

In my 125 I want a spotted bamboo shark, clown trigger,emperor angel, maybe some kind of butterfly, about 7 chromis , maybe two blue tangs, probably about 3 cleaner shrimp and yes I know about cleaner shrimp and triggers but ive seen pics of cleaner shrimp cleaning big clown triggers before. 3 peppermint shrimp , about 15 nas snails, about 100 hermits assorted yes I know I'm taking a chance with the clean up crew but I plan to take it slow. I may also go with a rare fox face species

I'll have to get rid of some fish after about a few months hopefully a little longer

I now have the right equip to carry the bioload for both tanks plus I plan to add more live rock so I'm good

Ive got a 2 and a half foot tall Berlin XL 150-400 gl skimmer backed up by a 65 gallon superskimmer coralife brand and a 24 watt uv sterilizer that should do it shouldn't it. Would any other equip be needed. The equip I just mentioned is on the 125 gallon

All the help I have on the 75 gl is a 125 gl super skimmer coral life brand and thats backed up by a cu75 gl rated skimmer and a 24 watt uv sterilizer

For the bioload I'm gonna have is there any other recommended equip

Thanks ahead guys
wow! slow down

Niger trigger (sound of buzzerd going off) eerrrrrr
negative on that...

is this mainly a FOWLR
Your 75 isn't large enough for a Niger Trigger or a Powder Blue Tang, by themselves....let alone together. The only Tang that would be appropriate for that sized tank would be a Yellow Tang.

You need at least a 300 gallon tank for ANY species of shark at all. Even without the shark, the rest of your list would seriously....SERIOUSLY over load that tank. A Clown Trigger and Emperor Angel alone should be in a 300, not to mention the remainder of your list.

You need to do some serious re-thinking before you purchase anything at all.
so I'm guessing the 2 tomato clowns I decided to add over night with an anemone is to much also huh lol

Let's see thats only like 13 fish in a 125 gallon and I'm aware of how big they all get I thought it'd be ok especially with all my equip

A Niger trig is reef safe why would it have to be in a fo tank???

So the list for my 75 is not cool either??

I thought it'd be ok with all my equip and besides by the time they all grow my 500 gl should be ready for action
For some reason, you think you can go by number of fish to a certain gallon. There's absolutely nothing correct about that. Yes, both of your lists are WAYYY too much for you listed tanks. Since you mention that you'll have a larger tank by the time your fish grow, I'll say that it's not just about fish size either. Most of the fish you've listed need LOTS of room to swim. Tangs for instance, should have a minimum of a 6' long tank for their speedy darting they enjoy doing. You're talking about putting Tangs in a 4' tank, along with a trigger that's "hit or miss" reef safe.

Instead, why not stock the tanks you currently have conscientiously and then WHEN you have a larger tank, stock it conscientiously?
Nah, not dumb. You're just going through the impatient stage that we all go through...that and the "I wanna have that and that and that and that...." stage. We all go through it. You were just smart enough to ask for advice on here instead of just buying it

DONT DO WHAT I DID!!!!! It took me over 2 yrs to get here.

yeah I was gonna say it couldn't be that big cause rose fish are awfully close together lol.

So there is hope for me huh

How long have you had those tangs in there for?? And how long is that tank 48 inches

Hey thanks spllbnd for saying I wasnt dumb cause I did ask before I bought. Your right but I did have high hopes huh??

LOL let's just say I did already have the stuff would a unreef safe fish eat an anemone other than butterflies I herd they'll eat any thing but if the tomatoes clowns were in the anemone would they stop the butter fly from eating the anemone??

Just wondering I think itd be cool to have the anemone on there with the angel and trigger and the 2 blue tangs and the chromis a be all
