Stocking a 34 Gal. Nano - RED SEA MAX

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Aug 4, 2008
My previous thread was about which tank to purchase....I've made my purchase(we;;, not really I put down a deposit but I;ve made up my mind). I've decided to go with the RED SEA MAX...I found it for $750 which included the tank, stand and a start up kit of sorts...I think the price is fairly good from I've been able to find online.

What do I do now?
besides the cycling process(the local reef specialist shop has been vary helpful with getting me prepped on the process).
I will also likely add from the start 2 power heads, I was told to get "2's" is that a good size, any brand recommendations?

(someone just sent me the link to thanks!)

Any other equipment I should be looking at?

-After cycling/setting up my rockscape I was told I should get a small cleaning crew: Any suggestions on this group?(I was told at the fish shop to get a shrimp, maybe a few hermit crabs, and a few snails to start) is the correct timing about weeks 3-4?

Can I add some coral's, stars, clams at this time?
If so what are some less fragile types I shoudl look at, and if its too early in the start up stage when should I start looking at these items?

Weeks 5-6: I was planning on getting some fish: We would like some clowns, any other suggestions....I once saw a site that had all sorts of mail order fish with charts and rating for the preferrable size of teh aquarium, ease of care(e.g. easy, moderate, expert etc etc).

Thanks for all the input.
Welcome to RF. You will find a ton of help here!

Well, first there really isn't an exact time that it will take for your tank to cycle. Some do it quicker than others and some take longer. First thing I would do is get your hands on some good test kits: Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. Here is a nice little article to read on cycling a new tank. Tank Cycle This is a very important step, don;t rush it or you will have problems for quite some time. I also noticed you said you would put your rock in after the cycle? You sound cycle with the rock so that any die off will occur during the cycle.

You're right about the cleaning crew after the cycle. I personally like snails, but you can do crabs if you want. NO shrimp at this time because they are a lot more sensitive.

At this stage no corals, stars or clams because they require pristine water parameters and at this point in time your tank will be fluctuating.

At week six, if tank is fully cycled and parameters have been stable for consecutive weeks, you could add a fish, but only add one at a time (two if you wanna push it) because it will shift the bio load in the tank and if too much is added then another cycle could occur. When tank is stable and has been for several more weeks you can start thinking about maybe some LPS or softies depending on the lighting. Good luck and remember be patient!