Stocking level for 120 gallon

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Jul 3, 2007
Hi, I have a 120 gallon tank with about the same in pounds of live rock. It is filtered by a Tunze 9010 skimmer, two power heads and a Fluval 4 internal filter w/ sponge pads. The lighting right now is two actnic 48" bulbs and 110 watts power compact bulbs.

The ph is 8.2 to 8.3. The nitrates is approx 20, the nitrites is 0.

The fish I have are yellow tang, hippo tang, royal gramma, two clowns, neon goby, pajama cardinal fish, and nine blue green chromis.

The question I stocked okay? The only fish I would like to still add is a Flame dwarf angel. Would that be too much?
Depends on you.

Are you willing to take all/any steps necessary to keep optimum water conditions? Even if it means doing a water change every couple of days?

Am not saying you will have to, but are you willing to take the responsibility if necessary?

Fish compatibility is another issue all together.
I think what you have is Okay, depending on how much and how often you feed. It'd be easy to turn your water to crap if you overfeed alot. Keep in mind that those tangs are going to get bigger and the bigger the fish the bigger the ...
i dont think ur over stocked but i would try and drop ur no3 down to 0 and keep it there before putting more fish in
i dont think ur over stocked but i would try and drop ur no3 down to 0 and keep it there before putting more fish in

agreed. If you can get the nitrates down and keep them down I don't see why not, But those tangs will get huge.
16 / 17 fish in a 120 is a bit to crowded IMO. Its going to be hard to keep these fish fed the quantity of feed they really need without sacraficing water quality.

try getting some cheteo.

This comment seems to be getting thrown out more and more lately. How about get less fish? Tossing in a little ball of chaeto is a nice thing to look at and give critters a nice home but unless you have a big tumbling ball its not going to solve a problem. The source is the problem.

This comment seems to be getting thrown out more and more lately. How about get less fish? Tossing in a little ball of chaeto is a nice thing to look at and give critters a nice home but unless you have a big tumbling ball its not going to solve a problem. The source is the problem.


I agree with this in many ways, people use this harvest method loosely & that in time will lead to problems, I have my hands full feeding just two fish in my 125, even though yea I'll add a few more smaller species but all these mouths to feed & clean up after means less enjoyment time & more work. Also If / when I want to keep a few SPS I'll have to be even more so on top of my cleanings to help them thrive & not just survive. Basically at some point there is a such thing as too much for being practical, also fish that are healthy grow & eat/poop more & yes you can keep plenty more if you can keep up with it, maybe grow an extra arm of something LOL;), ok funning a little to not sound grippe but a word to the wise.