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Jul 31, 2007
Despite my best efforts going with a barebottom, extreme flow, and oversized skimmer. I'm starting to get some algae. I want to stop it now before it gets a foothold. Its a 40g with 29g sump. Beckett skimmer rated for up to 300g, but I undersized the pump to be realistic. I have 2 flasher wrasses and a small skunk clown. I feed very sparingly. I have some chaeto in the refuge section, but it doesn't seem to be doing well. I'm guessing because of the light, which I'm changing tomorrow. I'm getting some red cyano on one rock and there is some brown algae on a couple of the rock that are just a few inches below the water line. The brown algae isn't diatoms. I need new test kits, but I'm guessing NO3 is zip, but PO4 might be a little high. Any suggestions.
Is the cyano growing in a high flow area?? In my experience, Cyano has always been best battled in my tanks by increasing flow in that particular area. I adjust a powerhead to put more flow on that spot and the Cyano is gone within a couple of days. Another thing to consider with the Chaeto is if it's tumblling. I've read so much saying that it grows better if it's in a rolling ball. I've yet to be able to accomplish this in my own refugiums
I'm pretty sure the area has high flow. I'm also getting it on my overflow box and sides of my koralias.