Stray voltage question

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I re-opened this thread & moved it to Boomer's forum, so we can get back on the original topic, apologies for closing it earlier but was getting off track so it needed cleaning some.
OK Scoot

And Don is correct. Proof in the pudding :) If you take a small salt water tank, with just water in it and park it next to an outlet it will measure so called voltage. All Electronic devices, to include cords plugged into an outlet, all produce electrical fields. When it is real voltage you will know, just stick your finger tips in there and you will get a tingle if not TO high :D You should be using GFIC and GP

Some electrical engineers have gone into great length to explain this for us. Voltage means nothing without current. I have a device that puts out 10,000 V but has almost zero current. It is used to remove static electricity form LP records. Voltage in the tank is real but not what you think, in regards to yon or fish getting toasted. The still remaining issue at hand is this so called "induced" voltage going to effect marine life. So far, nothing says it will but since it is unnatural lets remove it with a GP. When doing so you MUST use a GFCI, as not doing so makes the water even more potentially dangerous with a GP.

Some things to read, which get quite technical

Technical Considerations Regarding Static Potentials

Voltage in the Aquarium