Stress From Lights

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
S.F. Bay Area
Hello all-
I posted earlier about my tank getting electrocuted and I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on my lighting situation. With all of the corals EXTREMELY STRESSED should I alter my lighting at all to reduce stress and the possibilities of burning the corals further? Today was day one and I just left the compacts on and didn't turn on the MH. What do you think. Let me know. I have 2X96w (1-7100k, 1-03actinic) compacts and 3x175w MH (2-14k, 1-10K) over a 120g AGA.
tagging along out to see if anyone knows the answer... I think it's a great question and one I wish I'd thought of asking before now. Not that it helps, but I left mine on the normal photoperiod after my event and feel I had good success given the circumstances. Maybe I would've had better if I had reduced it initially though.

hope you find an answer Jeff - we're pulling for ya!
did you fix the electrical issue?

your not still geting shocked are you?
Hello Treehugger. I am completely new here but have been in reefing a while. My personal suggestion would be to purchase some fiberglass screening for windows. Just like a new lighting setup I would reacclimate the corals to their lighting. Of course you would probably be fine just going all out on your lighting but why take the risk. I would add about 4 layers of screen, take one off every 2 or 3 days until all are removed. I just did this and no corals had issues with less lighting, it only takes a couple weeks. You can use eggcrate, light diffuser, to span the top of the tank.
BTW I nearly promise this will not cause any browning of your corals, it did nothing to mine. I think it cost me $15 for the screen (I used a lot), and I made my own things to "cover" the top of the tank.
So far the first two days since the "great shock", I've just been running the compacts, but I was going to turn on one of the 3 MH and step them back up gradually over the next couple of days. All of my LPS seem to be recovering nicely already (opening up and not sliming quite as much) some of my softies still have a nice slime coat but my SPS all look terrible. The biggest contributor to the sliming seems to be my monti cap colony even though it looks the best of my sps. Thanks everyone for the support and advice. As I just started with sps not more then a month ago it's very frustrating to me and was an expensive loss as frags for these guys seem to cost bank. Anyway Thanks Again