stupid freaking heat!!!!!!!!

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sand loving outcast
Jul 11, 2005
well where to start....
I have 6 fans running in every window, door, hallway, and its still freaking hot.

well my fish only is a victim. son of a ^%$^.. sorry I am alittle angry. my bird wrasse was floating. harliquin tusk was sitting between 2 rocks with glazed eyes. damsels gone.

hmmmm 5 lost

blonde naso has some film in his mouth breathing hard. trying to acclamate him into my reef. magnific fox face is breathing hard and is not coloring back up very spotted at the moment. vilimagii is a trooper no stress shown on him at all( but I know he is hurting ) purple tang wont stay still long enuf to try to look at him. and my eel Im not sure.....

this is what I came home to from work...arrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhh! I just thought I would share my pain.
the fish only was my fault I forgot and left the glass covers on it. so there was no breeze on the water itself. left the lights off and forgot to open the covers. I think it was yesterday that reall messed with them. I came home to about a 110 deg house when I came back from poulsbo and silverdale. left the timer on the reef untouched.. well my house got really hot needless to say. when you talk about 3 straight days of 94+ deg weather in seattle ( land of no a/c is what I call it ) people are savages when it comes to a/c the funny thing is in 3 days they will be half returned back to the store. funny how us coffee fiends are.
I have heard of people freezing water in milk cartons and putting them in the sump to help cool it.
Hey bud, you'll get her worked out!! The losses will still bug the $%^& out of you, but everything will turn out good. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery now, wish you well man!!!
charlie, krish I just wanted to thank you guys for the kind words... it was my fault I take all the blame. but the tank had alot of expensive fish none small all big... its going to become my reef soon. Im going to sell whatever lives to make way for smaller fish. Ill find out whats left in the morning????? wait it is morning well my morning anywayabout 2 pm when its good and hot again.
The frustrations associated with heat! My electricity bill went up $300+ this month due to the ac having to kick in a lot more, as well as the rising price of gas. My chiller kicks in more now on my cube which is less than half the size in total water volume and running less pumps, than it did on my 75gal! You'll get it all sorted out I'm sure...Best of luck to ya!:)
Don't kick yourself too hard man, do-do occurs!!! Look at it as a learning experience. I know that doesn't make it any easier, but stuff like this has a way of working itself out in the long run!!!
the proplem is I knew better... thats what got me so ( mental note keep harse words to yourself this is a family forum ) fustrated. I went to work late because I was calling all these places for some a/c. then the greed kicked in and told me there was nothing I could do if I stayed home. so off to work I went.... I cant wait to goto just one tank!!

charlie I will have to remember that "do-do occurs" that gave me a good laugh
MY lfs, freezes little plastic water bottles and puts them in the sump's

you could get a case of water freez them, and switch them out in rotation
Besides ice, one can not overemphasize the cooling power of evaporation. A good breeze from a fan blowing across enough water will drop the temp quite a bit. Fans on the tank, skimmer returns, sump, etc. While ambient was in the 90s, kept the tank (upstairs now, going downstairs in a month) at no higher than 83. A bit messy with poorly contained water spray, but works like a charm. Turns the tank into a swamp cooler. Sorry for your losses, I recall 5 years back or so with the prolonged freezing rains, power out and I lost the tank (all raised from juvie) an adult Navarcus Angel, marine betta, paired clowns, powder blue tang, flame shrimp and other inverts. Battery back-up ran down while asleep and tank chilled with high nitrates from minimal pumps. O2 probably low too. Only survivor was an algae blenny. Daughter called it an algae bunny. Immortal.

Took me a year to two to get back in the game. Longer to get softies again. Now am doing it right with back-ups for all contingencies. The heartbreak is the hard part, as the life is easy to replace.

Thanks god we are past the worst of the heat (for now.)
p.s. Craigs list is a good place to buy air conditioners, just got mine:D
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ohh dood i'm really sorry to hear what happened to you :( .
That's just to horrible but sometimes S(#$ happens.
It was really hot this weekend (finally!! sorry but i love extremely hot weather :p) my tank went up to 82 and sunday almost hit the 86, i had a fan blowing on the lights, i had a bunch of frozen water bottles in the sump and still the heat was getting there.
I was about to call my husband's boss and ask him to give us back our air conditioner since it is a very very good one.
diablo said:
nope called 30+ stores today all sold out

Reminds me of the time we had a 2-day power outage during the winter and I tried to find someone with a generator in stock...

Sorry to hear the bad news. My quarantine tank (no chiller) got up to 84.5 degrees yesterday.
I'm sorry to hear that, Larry. Especially with all the attention you put into those tanks.
I put a portable fan blowing on the surface of the water and it helped reduce the heating effect of the lights. I also put plastic bottles with frozen water in the sump and managed to keep the water under 85! Hot I know, but everything survived.