Sulfur De-Nitrate Reactor whats the pros and cons

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
Well to all here i am moving forward in the hole tank deal..SO here is another question to add to the mix!So whats the benifits of this set up for a tank 3 yrs old and running good..knock on wood!:lol:
Its just another filter. Like any other filter including your skimmer all it will do is buy you time between maintenance intervals. May not be worth the issues if your happy with what you have.

yep i am surtain the system i have going is good ...I am feeding every other to every three days and doing one cube as a puree and one as chunks for the fish!i use formula one! and do a 15 % water change a month with a skimmer for a 210 gal so i am ok I dont remeber the last time the nitrates were o.m.g. status!
Pros: They work.

Cons: They can crash if the flow is interupted or they are not properly "fed".

IMO: Risk/reward not so good except in the case of cold water tanks. I believe if you do proper husbandry tasks, you should not ned one. My tank has been up for 2.5 years and never had a result above zero for trates.
Works great

They work great! Just keep internal redox below 180-200 and you won't have any sulfur dioxide build up. Also make sure that you use the recirculating type. They are not prone to crash and require no carbon feeding. Once dialed in they can be a very useful tool for lowering nitrates. I have had mine set up for 2 years now and have had to do little with it. I am getting ready to replace the sulfur beads but thats it for two years of operation. I have a very very heavly stocked bare bottom sps tank and can keep the nitrates at undetectable levels, at least undetectable with salifert kit. If your tank has been running good for 3 years it may not need a sulfur de-nitrate reactor assuming you do not have a nitrate issue.
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noe whats so ever just have to do the sump return clean out once every year or two..well thanks guy another quality answer board ..u know we could pay for this good of service l.o.l. ..well happy reefing everyone and hey i ned some trades here in spokane nothing new added in 5 months ahh!