Sump blowout.

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Coral first fish #2
Jul 29, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Sorry for the multiple posts on this subject, this is an emergency. Does anyone know how to get a hold of Bobby Maule? He was the builder of my system and I need to get a hold of him and let him know the sump he built had a blowout on one end. bobby if you see this please call me at 425-948-7831 or 425-299-9028 ASAP.
So sorry to hear about this! Bobby has made some less then perfect products out there. I know numerous people that had thier tank seams fall apart to total tank blowout and they have been unsuccessfull trying to get in contact with him for some time now.
Sump blow out

I'm going to assume that you NEVER heard back from Bobby Maule!!! I am on the hunt for him myself To make a long story short, we paid him $2100 LAST April for a 160 gal tank that we never got (nor did we get the money back). He made the tank and was supposed to be holding it for us. Then some months down the line I find out through The Red Sea Aquariums store that he had gone out of business and there are quite a few people looking for him. My heart sank to my stomach.

I was able to get a phone # and address for him. I talked to him, but he was giving me a line of BS. After getting the heads up that he was getting evicted from his apartment, we got off our duffs and went to confront him in person. Too late---he was gone. I'm still looking.

Seems to me that there has got to be a away for those of us that have been taken by him could get together to go after him. Evidently this isn't the first time and it's sure in the hell will not be the last. Somehow he needs to be stopped if at all possible.

I also met a guy a few weeks ago that bought a tank from him and one of the side seams gave way and a good 50 gals. of water was pouring out the side. Luckily he was home at the time and had the equipment to fix it. He too tried to get a hold of him and found that phones and web site no longer worked.

Feel free to contact me. Christine
He also built the large tank at Aquarium Paradise. I think it was somewhere from 750-1000 gallons. The whole rear panel fell off one day. The tank almost completely broke in half. Anyone who owns a build of his should drain the tank, and destroy it. What garbage.
That's right. I heard about that one too. That had to be a nightmare. I guess those of us that didn't get our tanks didn't know how lucky we really were. So that makes us only half screwed. It's a shame because they looked REALLY nice.

I found an article on Reef Central in CT that lost a $1400 deposit and lost his small claims case against Bobby.

Has anyone thought of posting a warning on at least Craigslist. If not then I will. That's how I found out about him from someone that was selling a tank that ended up going to Bobby's shop when he was in Woodinville.
If you go to and search for Bobby Maule the first one is titled Beware of Bobby Maule. Evidently he used to sell BMW's. If you go to the 7th article down (Long, interesting sad/bad story), is about the guy in CT that lost his $1400 deposit. I'm going to send him a message as soon as I get the chance. I know there has to be a lot more stories out there that haven't been written. This time last year he was suppose to be working out a deal with Thomasville furniture to sell aquariums in the store. When I called there looking for him the new manager said they decided not to go with it, but he had heard of others that had given him money for nothing.

Also since I'm new to the site I also have a new post that I need make about a medication for ich that people need to be aware of NOT to use in a tank that has fish and corals. I don't know where is the best forum to post it on, but it's was inportant enough for me to call the company to let them know and change their labeling.
It's very dishearting to hear about someone getting taken advantage of. I'm sorry for everyone's heartache and troubles that have been endured with this individual.

My advice... Everyone that's a victim of this guy should call your local PD/SO and start getting theft cases built against him. Paying someone to do something and them not doing it is the same as you walking into a store, taking stuff without paying for it. If enough people files cases against him, a man hunt will eventually come about, as long as there's enough evidence. Several people with the exact same complaint is a lot better than one person complaining. It then turns into he said she said. The more victims, the more solid case that will become. I know you guys may think this is a waste of a officer/deputy's time, it's not. Theft is a crime and disrupts the peace, that's what officer/deputy's are out there for, to preserve the peace and uphold ALL laws in the state of Washington.

It's all theft. Since he owned a business (I'm assuming) you can also contact the Washington Attorney General, they have a special department that deals with bad businesses. Since he is no longer in business, they may not want to take the case. Since theft is criminal, you have to prove 100% he did not provide you a service you paid for. Civil court is only 51% (i.e. small claims).
when I want to find people who have disappeared, I use and/or

Makes it very easy to locate people. If you new his middle initial I think you would find him. If you identify which one he is, you can get numbers for his brothers/sisters, parents, etc.

Look him up and call his mom imo, lawl.
He also built the large tank at Aquarium Paradise. I think it was somewhere from 750-1000 gallons. The whole rear panel fell off one day. The tank almost completely broke in half. Anyone who owns a build of his should drain the tank, and destroy it. What garbage.

this totally sucks that was a really nice 1000GL setup. did they save every thing?
There was a guy on CL earlier in the week that was selling aquariums that were "repiared" but some also had cracks. Lives in Everett if that helps.
bobby maul is one of the shadiest characters you'll ever meet...
and as has been proven, his tanks completely suck!!

those of us in the industry have known about this *&#$% for years...

he appoached me some years ago...wanted to have a small coral store in his tank shop, wanted me to partner up with him,
I went there to meet him one day (didnt know him), he wasnt there yet, but his brother was, so I was walking around looking at the tanks...
i saw gaps in seams that you could put a penny in...
I turned right around and walked out, his brother was like "arent you waiting for bobby??" ...not anymore... i said. lol

so, just as an FYI, I know that his brother runs a flower wholesale business out of the same woodinville shop he used to have...I dunno if he's still there or not, and I cant remember the address, just that it was right off 522 in woodinvile in a business park close to the freeway, maybe someone else knows how to get there and his brother is still there... just a possibility I though I should post.