sump design for tight space! help...

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
central ca
I jsut built a 36x24x24 tank and drilled it for a closed loop. Ill be using a dart with a om 4way for the closed loop and probably a oceanrunner 6500 for the return. As you can probably guess I dont have much room under my stand for equipment and Im not quite sure how Im going to make it work with my sump and skimmer. I have a rc 135 wich is has a foot print of about 7x18 and is pretty darn big when set in my stand! I want to def have a fuge and decent return area as I wont have much room for a auto top off res. I will def have an ac jr and would like to have a filter sock for the input to the sump.

this is what I drew up but I have a feeling that I will have problems keeping the return chamber full...

here are some pics of what it looks like under my stand with the skimmer and dart in place!!! any help or suggestions would be appreciated, if you could point me in the direction of a great sump builder that would also be very helpful!!!




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I'd skip the refugium and baffels that dart is going to have way to much flow for any of it to do any good. Just stick on a couple high flow filter socks and call it good. Also make sure you have enough drain to handle the dart probably a couple 1.5" drains.

thanks for the input guys, donw The dart is going to be running my closed loop. It consist of a 2" drain and 4x1" returns. my return pump is going to be alot smaller. maybe 1000gph. I would like to eventually add a schuran pico eventually but I may need to add a seperate cabinet for this...

I have been looking at alot of sumps and taken some great ideas from them but I dont see one that he builds that would fit my needs when it comes to my bulky skimmer!!! anyone else have a custome sump built that I can look at for comparison or some more suggestions on where to get one. Im starting to think that a simple 24x18x16 would do it, maybe split it into three areas all being 8x18. the center being the return area and have the skimmer side and fuge on the outside portions. what do you guys think?
Sorry missed that part. Thought you were going to use the dart. I like the simple design better. Seems like it will be easier to take care of.

I agree, does anyone see a way to include a filter sock in the design? the skimmer foot print is about 17x7 and then bends at the gate valve mod and goes about another 8 inches.
Thanks for the link logik, I looked at this a few times and I dont think I would go this route. I cant see how any of the life that is in the fuge could possibly get back to the display and for me that is one of the major reasons for it. I do like the idea thougha dn may do something like this from the skimmer section to the return!?!? anyone see any reason why it wouldnt work?

In your second diagram, what if your display tank drained into the fuge whith a tall baffle and a bulkhead in that baffle to place a filter sock? Here is a picture that is close to what im trying to describe.
here is the side view of the sump and some more explination!


I have also been looking at this design that I drew up a while back...tell me what you are thinking!!! I think this one gives me more space for my skimmer section and feels a little more cumfortable but I dont know how tough it would be to build

Both the new designs look good. Having a sump/refuge that is comfortable to work in is a bonus. I suppose a question you might ask yourself is: what size refuge do you want. In the first of your new sketch's the refuge looks like it would be much larger than in the second design. As for the difficulty in constructing either of the two... I think if you know how to build the first design, you should have no trouble with the second. Use patience and forethought with the construction, and you will only build it once.