Sump design ideas please

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I was thinking the algae in the fuge would work to collect the bubbles, so only big bubbles would spill over to the return, where they would just float and not get to the return pump. Not sure though.

If the bubbles are big, the baffles aren't needed. Its the micro bubbles that they work great for (such as what is pumped out of the protein skimmer)

I would definately put an ATO in the return chamber. It just makes everything run smoother and keeps the water in your tank/fuge at the same levels. Makes it a lot easier to keep the plumbing quiet
yeah the ATO will be in there and the heater will probally be in the return as well or in between the baffles where all ther water has to flow over it. and i think with the way my hoses are one long and one short im going to put both inlets on one side. i only have a 500gph return pump so everything moves pretty slow anyways
i think this is what you all have been talking about. im going to extend the two inlets down to about an inch off the bottom with 4" pvc as my bubble trap. then the fuge in the middle and then the return area
Ok, now that is the way I have done it. I'd give yourself plenty of room in the skimmer/area area, for future skimmer upgrades or just wiggle room.
Give yourself plenty of return pump, heater, other equipment room, and rest is refugium.
After all I've said, I do admit that this is just one way to do it and there are other ways.
Some people will argue the other way is better and they may have a point which is valid.

Like I said, this is the way I've done all mine and it does seem the simplest.
i ended up adding 2 inches to the skimmer area and the return area. i was one piece of glass short. i had enough but i cut one about a 1/4 to short so i have to go get a piece tomorrow