Sump /fuge Input welcome

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Female Hermit crab
Jul 21, 2008
Tacoma WA
Well i am having one custom made, so i have to try to design a sump/fuge and i have NO idea what im doing! Its for a 125 gallon flat back hex hence the having to have one custom made to fit under the stand with out taking up a ton of space.

So here is one i have drawn up tell me what you think if it will work or not?

Just triyng to make sure i have the basic idea down.
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Is your return in the middle of the fuge? I would think you would want to have it set up like this: input from tank, skimmer, refugium with chaeto, then the return pump area, unless I am missing something? That way the water flows through all sections before being returned to the main tank. Looking good, like the baffles.
I also would move the return section to the end, with the refugium between skimmer and return. Also, I'd make the return portion just large enough to house the return pump. This will allow for minimal evaporation before top off. This will keep salinity levels more stable. The larger the return area, the more evaporation will occur before topping off becomes necessary. This will allow for more fluctuations in salinity, which you want to keep nice and stable.
When I see that picture of the sump, I envision two separate supply lines to the sump from the tank - one to the skimmer section and one to the refugium section. Water flow through the sump does not necessarily need to be linear and pass through all of the sections.

Also, if you go with a smaller return section as Sid suggests, you will probably want an auto top-off system or will need to keep an eye on your sump to make sure that the return section does not run low enough to cause you return pump to suck air and potentially run dry.

The reason i have it this way is because i plan on having a closed loop and dont want to have a ton of water thrashing through the fuge. So i was going to have seperate lines going to the skimmer and the fuge.
Will the closed loop be a basic one with an external pump, one or more inlets supplying the pump, and one or more outlets going back to the tank?

If so, then your closed loop will be plumbed independently from your sump.

Oh didnt know that! Makes sences though! I guess i dont need the sump to be like this huh?

Good thing i posted this other wise i would have ordered the sump! lol

Its all coming together didnt know there was such a thing as a open loop.
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A Closed loop is water circulation in a closed system for the far as I've always known. The water is within a closed system of your display tank and any plumbing leaving the display and returning to it.

An open loop would include the sump and allows the water to circulate through the sump.

At least this has always been my
Didnt think about that. Sorry!

What would be a good pump for the sump? Something that is the same size as the skimmer pump?
That'll all depend on how much flow you want the pump to provide and how much flow you want through the sump. You also need to take head loss into consideration. Head loss will involve the height difference between your return pump and where it enters the display and any bends, elbows or other fittings in your plumbing.
I did read through that article i get the idea of what a sump/fuge is i just need help putting one together lol.

So i think i have it figured out. I was just thinking that the skimmers pum p is for 450 gph i was just trying to figure out if getting a pump that pushed up more water then the skimmmer was pulling down would be bad but with the head loss i guess it would be a good idea to go a little srtonger.
I like it!! The only thing I might change is the height of the first piece on the second set of baffles. With it being 9", that will limit the total height of water in your fuge to 9". Also, have you checked to see what depth of water your skimmer works best in? With some skimmers it doesn't matter, while with others it can be critical. Your design will put your skimmer in 11" of water.

Your return section, of 6" will be great. You'll have to top off more often, or your return pump will suck air and push lots of bubbles into your display. Some people don't like this type of set up. I do, because it forces me to top off more often, keeping my salinity more stable.
Good point on the baffles. Glad you caught that because i sure didnt!

I think we have a auto top off unit on the other side an then we will in time get a calcium reactor too.
i have mine set up like your 1st pic and it works great, that way i can control how much flow goes through the fudge, i just put T's the tines and ran both lines into the skimmer section and into the fudge so i can direct flow to where. melves reef is really the best place for sump designs. also i like to have to my return section very large so i dont have to top off every day currently i top off about once week. i dont have room for a auto top off under my stand with all my other crap i have running so. small return section and no auto top off your gonna get sick of added water every day
The point of the center return was to have an adjustable rate of flow on the fuge side.

Can I ask what is a good flow rate for a fuge? Should it be lower or higher?

I say lower but maybe i'm wrong.

I plan on having cheeto and live rock in there maybe some other algeas but im not sure yet i havent looked into them.

But i would like to keep it simple. I know the skimmer pump is 450 gph but i dont know what that is like in person so i have no idea if that is going to be too much water going through there. But if it is i will figure something out.

I already ordered the sump in other words :rolleyes:!
I like the finall design..
You'll prolly only want about 900 GPH not much more going through the fuge/sump..thats about 8. times tank volume going to it an hour....
So with 4' of head your looking at about a 1200 gph pump there about's..
If you want slower flow put a ball valve on the return line.. to tone it down a bit..
And if your not doing a sand bed in the fuge you can SCREAM water though there with out issues..
But you want to have good contact time with your skimmer..
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