Sump/Fuge setup

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Also, your "U" tube may not completely fill until the return pump turns on and water is forced through it. So if you don't get all out when trying to start the siphon, it should when the pump starts...
Hey Tony! Having fun yet?(LOL) I'm heading home in about 1 hour. If you don't have it sorted out by then, you can pm me your number if you want and I can give you a call and see if I can help you get it running...Let me know...Best of luck

That did it! I turned the U tube around, so the longer side was in the prefilter and I sucked until the majority of the air was gone. I turned on the return and it took a few seconds for the prefilter to catch-up, but it did. Thanks very, very much! Now it is by far the loudest noise in my living room, LOL. Oh well, I can work with that!

I read up some more and took your advice. I am going to try chaetomorpha. I ordered some and should have it by the end of the week. The guy promises that there will be some life in there, pods or even snails, urchins and stars. One sandwich bag full. The miracle mud is all settled, even with it running now.

I am stoked!!! I would not have this unit up and running without your direct intervention and assistance. Or my home would be flooded by now, one of the two!

Where in the Bahama's are you Krish?

PS. That picture you posted of the first woman president still has me peeing my pants! That was too cool, very funny.
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LOL Tony! Glad you got it working! To cut down on the noise you can add filter floss on the top of your prefilter to the back where the sponge sits. That usually quiet's it down a bit. If the noise is in your sump, then a lid does the trick sometimes, but you'll have to watch your water temperature if you cover it. It may not be a problem, but sometimes it creates heat because it prohibiits evaporation in there...Glad you are up and running...
The protein skimmer that came with this setup is missing something called the 'cape pipe'. It appears to be a tube that goes from a hole in the skimmer collection cup. It does not show the tube attaching to anything else. Does anyone know what this is? I have a call into the manufacturer, but they have gone for the day. Is this something that I need?
Do you have a picture of your skimmer? I think I have a picture of your whole setup saved on my computer home, but I'm not there(LOL)
Or I could just look on page 1! I can't really tell by the picture. I know most skimmers have a drain tube that goes from the collection cup to another container incase the collection cup fills up before you have a chance to empty it...Is that it? OH GTG, i'll be online later(LOL)
Thanks, you are correct. I got in touch with someone over at the LFS and he confirmed that is exactly what it is for. You are a never ending vault of information, my friend!
Thanks, you are correct. I got in touch with someone over at the LFS and he confirmed that is exactly what it is for. You are a never ending vault of information, my friend!

LOL...Only cause I had the same basic setup and I read basically every thread here on RF. Otherwise, I'm as smart an a rusty nail:D You could still run your skimmer without the drain tube (if you really want), but I would monitor it closely and not run it too wet. That skimmer will probably go crazy when you hook it up and it breaks in as you have never had one on your tank yet. You will be amazed at what it will pull out of your water! I'm not too familiar with your skimmer and how it operates, but nonetheless, it looks like one heck of a skimmer! The drain tube is a must though and a seperate container to drain into. I use a half gallon jug and if I stupidly run it too wet, I can fill up a half gallon jug in a matter of hours and spend the rest of the day mopping up water! It may be in your best interest to get the drain tube first because skimmers can be un-predictable at times...Especially when new and you aren't use to them. Even then they could have their spells! And one thing to always keep in mind is to keep the neck of the skimmer clean. By doing this it will help you maintain optimum performance of your skimmer...
Sounds good. When I bring it online, I will make sure and hook something up to that and have a bucket or something ready!

Do you have anything in your entry chamber on your sump? Like LR or something. I have some that I could put in there or with the mud. I have 25 lbs. that has been curing for about 3 1/2 weeks now. I am going to add most of it the display. Should not be long now, the nitrates are at 10 ppm.

I do have a skimmer from my LFS, its that CPR bak-pak 2. It works pretty good, it fills probably every two days or so. The collection cup is not that large. This new one came with that complete sump/fuge kit. Bonus! I can use the CPR on my 29 gal.. I want to use that as a QT area. I also have one of those Kent NautilusTE skimmers I won on E-Bay on the way - I know, long story... Short version - I thought I was not going to able to use the new one that came with the system. I thought I broke it the other day. Now I will have three. LOL, this has been an expensive, though enjoyable, journey that I'm sure will see many, many more investments...
Do you have anything in your entry chamber on your sump? Like LR or something.

Nope...All I have in there is my pump that feeds my skimmer. My LR is in the second chamber (which is the middle).

LOL, this has been an expensive, though enjoyable, journey that I'm sure will see many, many more investments...

I know what you mean...Try $4,000 so far for me (due to about 50-75%) duty at times and I still have a few more things I want to get:)
OK thanks, I thought maybe I should place something in that chamber since I will not be using the Bioballs.
Hey Tony...I was planning on taking out my cpr overflow and putting back in my old one that is like yours except the piece that sits in the tank, I'll have remade out of blue acrylic to match my background. I'm going to give it a test run this weekend and if I like it, then I'll swap back. The cpr is cool, but I don't like having to rely on an aqualifter etc. for it to keep the siphon and besides, I don't have any small fish anymore so I won't have to worry about loosing any. I'll post a picture in my thread if I do it...
No votes...My pump is way too strong. I guess it is the CPR for me...BTW, how's that new thread coming along?